Unreal warm weather, February has been 7 degrees higher average temperature, with the last 3 days close to 80F.
Drove the trucks in inclement weather and many short hauls.
Block heater, seen 40 MPG in .3 mile. 60 mpg in 3 miles.
Stopped accelerating hard up my driveway (10 foot elevation in 80 feet).
Now I just let the fast idle mostly carry me up.
Slightly lower average speed.
Less traffic allowing longer coasts.
It's going to be fun when it gets warmer, sadly the downside is traffic volume basically doubles and the tourists do things you have to try to anticipate.
My car has one door ding in 28k miles. The garage is semi submerged an seldom goes below 52 degrees even when it's 15-20 outside.
At 28k the tires are just above 4/32 front and rear with the wear even and I have run 45-50 psi since I bought the car.
Despite my ultra-aggressive EOCing, I can't maintain my historical higher MPG.
This just goes to show that it's, on the whole, unfair to compare YOUR MPG with similar cars, because all our driving situations are different. Some will have long, gentle downhills to milk good numbers. Others will be burdened with sitting in commute traffic.
The MPG "game" is to compete with one's self. Do your best to post the best MPG for YOURSELF.