All the shapes so far on this thread have at least been pretty clean. Thinking some more about it I believe that visual interest should come from the basic structure of an item, not from stuff tacked on afterwards. I'm hardly the first to observe this, but I buy in. The ugliest cars, to me, run afoul of this principal.
Additionally, shapes adopted for practicality reasons get a pass, whereas form over function always ranks lower. The Cube definitely does badly there.
Main Entry: co de pen dence - see codependency
co de pen den cy
Pronunciation: \kō-di-ˈpen-dən(t)-sē\
Function: noun
Date: 1979
: a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as an addiction to alcohol or heroin) ; broadly : dependence on the needs of or control by another