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Old 02-06-2017, 12:24 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by LDB View Post
Where does that 94% number come from? And he didn't discriminate against any religious group. He instituted a travel ban on certain nations just like Obama did. And Clinton. And Carter. All democrats. And others as well.
That is correct. It is a nation specific, 90 day review. For example, Indonesia, mostly Muslim, is NOT under review.

It's is NOT a ban, per se, as well. It's merely a 90 day review period.

Those 7 nations under review were named by the Obama administration. So why didn't the left protest that?

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Old 02-06-2017, 12:33 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ChewChewTrain View Post
...So why didn't the left protest that?...
Frankly, I'm put off by people defending their point of view by pointing at others who allegedly perpetrated yet greater wrongs.

In this respect, the world has changed little since the UseNet days of a decade ago.

The question I pose to any human being: Do you think, choose, and act from a place of love and compassion?

Often, the response I get is "F*ck you! I care for my own", or what I call "excused hatred," justified through one's own beliefs. Indirectly, they have answered my question.


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Old 02-06-2017, 12:55 PM   #13
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There's nothing wrong with pointing out hypocrisy.

Place of love and compassion? Of course! Starts with family, friends, fellow citizens, and works outward. If concern for our security hurts someone's feelings, we owe nobody an apology.

If other nations want to lower their immigration qualifications with lax vetting that's THEIR business.

In light of the European terrorism due to their lax immigration vetting, What's so horrible with the USA pausing for 90 days to review our immigration vetting process in the name of national security?
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Old 02-06-2017, 01:26 PM   #14
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ChewChewTrain: Remember that your neighbors to the north (Canada, where I live), has had a much more open (lax?) attitude towards foreigners and "The Terror Threat" than the US. And to make matters "worse", the Canadian Prime Minister recently announced he'll open the doors to even more Muslims and refugees.

The puzzling thing here is, why has Canada, with its lax attitude and lack of "vigilance" towards terrorism, not experienced the same fear and problems the US has, not even on a per capita basis, not even close? Surely those numbers will skyrocket soon, with more Muslims and more refugees arriving. Right? And if it doesn't, as it hasn't in the past, then what?

Well, I guess it's because the bad guys focus their hate on America because of their Freedom. Obviously Canada is less free, and therefore less hated, and of less interest to the bad guys. Or maybe the bad guys focus on America because it's the best nation on Earth? Canada? Not the best. It's just bad-guy jealousy wanting to take the best down a notch. Maybe that's why the benign Muslims and refugees head towards Canada (not so free, not the best), while the evil ones are stopped by vigilant US efforts. Or maybe it's just dumb Canadian luck?

I don't know, but such are the unquestioned beliefs that abound.

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Old 02-06-2017, 01:52 PM   #15
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Terrorism is it a much lower rate now than it was in the 70's and 80's, I can't believe how much focus there is on this. The chances of even being involved in an act of terrorism are minuscule, more people are killed in the US by refrigerators falling on them than by terrorists.

We must also remember that the Muslim population are the biggest victims of terrorism, and have more forces fighting against ISIS than the Western World. That's why stupid "travel bans" bug me, we should show more respect to our allies, friends and heroes, they're loosing more people and fighting harder than we are, to snub them because of thier religious beliefs is about as low as you can get in my opinion.

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Old 02-06-2017, 02:03 PM   #16
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Steve, yep. You're right. unlike Canada, the USA has enemies bent on our destruction.

I fault the USA with how we got into this pickle. Pausing 90 days to review our immigration vetting is a step towards cleaning up "all this spilled milk on our floor".

I voted twice for Obama believing he would end the two wars; Irag and Afghanistan. After 8 years, Obama expanded Bush's 2 wars into bombing 7 different nations. There was SO much bombing in 2016 that the US bomb arsenal was COMPLETELY depleted!

Obama is a charming, eloquent speaker, and a black President. That made him a liberal media darling and scrutiny-proof; such as bailing out the banks, but not prosecuting bank executives that caused of the 2008 financial collapse. What a let down.

I just wish all the USA military adventures were pulled back and all that $$$ was spent internally, such as giving relief for all the college student debt. The average student graduates with $30k debt.

And, when I say military withdrawal I mean NATO and ALL foreign military bases. The US spends more $$$ per year than ALL the rest of the world combined. I'm fed up with all this killing and creating enemies in an unwinnable war.

BTW, I'm Canadian through my Mum's side. She was born in Edmonton and raised in Vancouver.

Have you seen the movie "Canadian Bacon"? It pokes fun at Canada. What's ironic is most of the comedians in the movie ARE Canadian.
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Old 02-06-2017, 02:09 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Draigflag View Post snub them because of thier religious beliefs is about as low as you can get in my opinion.
Paul, when one's religious belief is that I convert or you have license to kill me that's where my compassion turns into my survival.

Islam is Sharia law / politics conveniently wrapped in the protection of calling itself a "religion".
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Old 02-06-2017, 02:23 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by ChewChewTrain View Post
...Islam is Sharia law / politics conveniently wrapped in the protection of calling itself a "religion"...
To believe that all Muslims are "Islam as the US understands it," and to believe that Islam is all about Sharia law, is similar to believing that all Americans are Christian[1], and Christianity is all about hating gays and putting them to death[2] and controlling women's reproduction, and keeping women subservient to men.

You and I know this is not what America is about, nor what most Christian Americans are about, but someone outside looking in, and judging from a place of fear, could easily come to that (mis)understanding! Personally, I am not concerned about Christians or even American Christians. I am concerned about conservative American Christians, who have power, and who move to impose their beliefs upon others. Other people might not make this distinction I do.

[1] Christianity is the US's most popular religion, with even the majority of secular Americans believing is a God who originated from Judeo-Christian tradition. Conservative Christian views and values are not separated from Government.

[2] Leviticus 20:13 (King James Version) "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

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Old 02-06-2017, 02:24 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by ChewChewTrain View Post
Paul, when one's religious belief is that I convert or you have license to kill me that's where my compassion turns into my survival.

Islam is Sharia law / politics conveniently wrapped in the protection of calling itself a "religion".
Seriously Doug, I like you, you're a nice guy and that. But when did a Muslim ever say that to you? I've grown up with Muslim friends, they would be in absolute hysteria reading some of this stuff. I feel like you guys over the pond live in a little cocoon sometimes and get fed some absolute trash by the media sensations over there. If you're going to Base opinions on these kind of things, you need to either travel the World, meet people and make your own mind up, or dedicate a huge chunk of life to research of facts and statistics through careful sourcing.

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Old 02-06-2017, 02:27 PM   #20
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For good measure from the quran (Muslims Bible to you guys)

"Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.”


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