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Old 11-10-2016, 11:00 PM   #1
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Trump and the Auto Industry

Trump Threatens To Repeal Fuel Economy And Emissions Regulations

Auto Industry Fears Trump's Tariffs Could Add $5,000 To The Price Of A Small Car]

Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers Submits Letter to Trump on Fuel Economy

Not a fan of Trump for obvious reasons, but would be interesting to see the impact in the coming years. I doubt that he would get rid of FE regs, but perhaps tweak them to make it easier for car manufacturers plus the fact that Americans are buying trucks and SUVs in droves, both of which are NOT GOOD.

Ideally, I'd want emissions to be tweaked to allow more efficient passenger diesels and to get rid of FMVSS and replace with UN-ECE standards so we get access to the global car market with just as safe cars with their more efficient powertrains (like VW BlueMotion tech), but that doesn't seem likely since he's apparently anti-trade. Getting rid of FMVSS would also allow us to import any car we want from any year. One can only dream...

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Old 11-10-2016, 11:59 PM   #2
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Wondered how long before we saw something about Trump on here. The bloke is going to be an absolute disaster, and we thought Brexit was a bad idea. I just don't get how someone with his level of naivety, arrogance, and lack of experience gets elected, besides all the hatred he's been spreading about various sexes, religions, races etc, really baffles me.

But apart from all that, he believes climate change is a "hoax" despite billions being spent on scientific research that has proven the opposite for the last 30 years or so. He wants to rip the solar panels off the white house, drop out the Paris climate change treaty, and start drilling for oil again. He will be a complete environmental disaster. Also, if he actually goes ahead and bans 1.6 billion people for thier religious beliefs, I vow never to step on US soil whilst he's in office. Good luck.


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Old 11-12-2016, 03:35 AM   #3
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The last entrepreneur who was elected President, dropped the only two nukes ever used in warfare.

Look at Japan today. Look at Germany.

We will see, at least those of us who make it another 4 years. It will be interesting as long as the profligate spending, by both parties, especially in the last 8 years, was NOT the straw that broke the Camel's back.

The first breath you take, born in the USA today, brings you a $60,000 debt bill, We have basically hocked our coubtry to the total level of the National NET Worth, around 70-80 trillion dollars.

What happens to those note holders when they lose faith in our ability to repay. This planet has never seen anything close to the collapse that will follow and any chance to reverse that course is rapidly vanishing in unfathomable levels of debt.

It would be fun to be a part of the solution.

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Old 11-15-2016, 11:54 AM   #4
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His transition team/cabinet appointments deeply trouble me. I don't know the details of all these positions, but it's full of absolute sociopathic pricks. Climate change denier for the EPA, for example. A white nationalist for strategist. War hawks for national security, etc.

What The Trump Presidency Could Mean For The Auto Industry

^Mostly speculation here, as we essentially don't know jack about his actual proposed policies (if any exist).

Trucking Group Starts Meeting With Donald Trump’s Transition Team - WSJ

^They want trucking regulations to be more relaxed, which could threaten public safety and health (i.e. hours logging, speed limiters, etc.).
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Old 11-15-2016, 01:04 PM   #5
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Regarding Global Warming, I know that there are scientists that claim it's a hoax and there are scientists that back it up with proof, but regardless of what everyone is saying people in general should be smart enough to see what is happening around the World. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize the weather is all messed up around the World. According to some scientists, you will be able to sail across the North Pole by 2020. Here is a video showing the North Pole in the last 30 years:

Also, if anyone is interested, Leonardo DiCaprio came out with a new documentary called Before The Flood, you can see it on YouTube.
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Old 11-15-2016, 10:45 PM   #6
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Regardless of what you believe about Global warming, you'd have to be pretty retarded to deny the fact that air pollution/exhaust gasses and particulate matter are toxic to humans and animals. We should be moving away from fossils regardless of any scientific theory, and whether global warming is natural or not.

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Old 11-16-2016, 06:29 AM   #7
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In 1983, living in the Florida Keys,average temperatures fell long enough to see the Ocean water temperature drop to close to 60 degrees. Lower than that temperature and the Coral Reefs that have lived in the area for millions of years will die.

Too cold. One of the reasons the prediction of "snowball earth" was changed to "climate change".

The Indians told the English and French explorers there was a passage above Canada 400 years ago. Now we blame that on climate change.

Study the effects of two volcanic eruptions, Krakatoa and Tambora in the 19th century.

Also the "mini ice age" from 1400 to the mid 1800s AD.

Snow in July in New England. The Irish Potato famine. Freezing temperatures in Savannah Georgia the night on the 4th of July 1815 (I think the year is correct been a while since I read that information).

Our instrumentation capabilities are a very recent event in global history. What happened to the 35% atmospheric oxygen content when the dinosaurs lived. Must have been a very catastrophic event that lead to OUR evolution.

Maybe we shouldn't be here in the first place, but it certainly was not humans who changed the climate when we did not exist.

I remember when air pollution was bad, really bad, when I was young.

Remember when England banned the use of bituminous coal.

Remember the notorious London fogs.

Recently it was stated that the east coast of the USA was 25% less air polluted than 40 years ago. Modern emission controlled vehicles produce 1/80th of the toxic emissions of cars from the 50-60s.

I prefer rational thought and analysis over name calling and prejudice.
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Old 11-16-2016, 06:50 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post

I prefer rational thought and analysis over name calling and prejudice.
What???? Prejudice by whom would that be from.
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Old 11-16-2016, 07:18 AM   #9
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For me the biggest elephant in the room is the number of people on the planet. If we double the number of people we have to halve the pollution just to stand still. The reverse is also true though, if we reduce the population by 10% we have reduced pollution by 10% without actually doing anything.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for improving efficiency and saving the planet, but I just think that no one is looking at the population issue seriously, not yet anyway. It is a very emotive subject, but to put a lighter note on it, I like Billy Connolly's solution, "You eat someone I don't like and I'll eat someone you don't like"

Food for thought

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Old 11-17-2016, 09:19 AM   #10
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Yes increasing population puts higher demand on energy/food/resource consumption etc. But there are huge differences between different countries. Take the US for example, they are HUGE consumers of food, fuel, oil, energy but are only 5% of the Worlds population. They create 7 pounds of man made waste per day, 3 times what people in the UK produce, they use 30% of the Worlds resources and create at least 25% of the Worlds pollution, using the same amount of petrol as the other 7,000,000,000 people combined. China also create a lot of pollution, but their population is over 1000% higher than the US. If you look at poorer countries, and third World countries, their energy demands are substantially lower.

There's more than enough tech available now to be carbon free in almost every aspect, but legislation, government investment and a whole bunch of other things get in the way, mainly for tax revenue gains etc.


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