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Old 01-23-2008, 04:06 PM   #1
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Toyota Yaris - pros/cons - come on in!

After reading the delightful review in the "Review" section, of the Toyota Yaris, I was intrigued enough to go to and build one, just how I'd like it.

Then I found myself reading consumer reviews and looking up specs on

Later I was on finding local Yaris's for sale and before I knew it, I was on the phone with a local Toyota dealer scheduling and appointment/test drive of a new (leftover) 2007 Yaris sedan 5-speed w/ power package (pw, pl, etc.) in bright white this weekend.

I was curious though, what other cars do you all think stacks up against the Yaris. As far as price, fuel efficiency, turning radius, and style. I've been a GM guy up until now, and I'm ready to get rid of my Saturn which is starting to require more and more maintenance. I was thinking about the Aveo, but it's distinctly TOO UGLY. I thought Cobalt, but base price is over $14k and miniscule options put you well over $15k.

I like sedans more than hatchbacks, although I never use the backseats, I believe aesthetically, I should be pleased with a car purchase, especially since this is the first time I'm looking at buying something new.

I want to know how you all feel... perhaps try to argue for/against the Yaris, try to steer me in another direction for a car you like better and be sure to include WHY you like it better.

In another thread I stated that I average 9k miles per year, lets call that 10k after looking at some records. 5k to/from work and grocery store, etc. and another 5k taking small trips (100 miles or less).

Thanks for any/all input.

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Old 01-23-2008, 07:14 PM   #2
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well for one, the value of it wont hold up as well as a civic or a corolla. the yaris is the newer version of the echo, (cheaper, more efficient, and smaller than the corolla) the parts are more rare. Theres just more people into corolla's than echos. if something went wrong with the yaris when it gets older, like when its 10 years old, parts for it wont be as easy to find compared to a civic or corolla, so you have to put that into thinking also

I would pay a bit more for a corolla, civic, fit, matrix, etc.

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Old 01-24-2008, 05:53 PM   #3
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Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I actually first read your two posts when you posted them. I wanted to wait so I could be able to think of some things to answer you with.

To respond to civic94's comment on the rarity of parts. In 10 years, I don't see much breaking down in the car (yes, partly because it's a toyota). My last older car, a 96 camry only needed a radiator change. As far as timely maintence, I had the water pump changed with the timing belt. Furthermore, as far as oem parts, they are readily available at autozone or equivalent. Don't forget that the engine (1nzfe) is shared with the Scions, so as far as cars to pull parts from, you have scions for engine parts.

For the cons below the numbers in bold have more relevance (in my opinon) to the rest.

1. In all honesty, for a price of my yaris (14,400)- 5pd one with power package and abs, I could have found a barebones, no frills corolla during a sale, in a rain storm under a blue moon if I wanted to work hard enough to find one. And because the Yaris doesn't stay on dealor lots for long and that the dealor makes so little money, it's hard to bargain.
2.MPGs just about similar to the larger Corolla (on paper)
3.Hard to find just the one you want (because they do get bought fast) I wanted a black one, but got flint mica
4.The S(port) version is not sporty at all beyond the body add ons.
5. After market parts are rare (not too many people into modding Yaris yet)
6.Gas gauge (minor) ...hard to explain this one. It's digital read out in the form of bars but the way this gauge works is that the first couple bars has more gallons incorporated into it. In this way, the 8 bars do not equal each other in quantity.
7. Gearing is meant more for city driving ie. the gearing is lower than it should be... at 70 mph, I'm at about or almost 3k on the RPMs. *I find myself crusing at 55 with RPM at 2500.
8. Because they liftback and the sedan are designed a bit differently, the sedan people (me) don't get as much storage. IE, we don't have a glove box over our steering wheel.

1) Insurance for a new car is very cheap because it is small.
2) They say you can hear the little engine a bit too much, but I don't. And I don't mean that I have the stereo cranked up to drown out the engine.
3) I have to say it: It's small and cute.
4) You can push for great mpgs. I can stretch it out to almost 50 mpgs. Getting 45 mpgs reliably now. (I cruise at 55 when possible)
5) Electric power steering
6)light weight, the liftback is even more frugal in the pounds.
7)Nice reliable car at least for the next 10 years.
8) Engine (1nzfe) is shared with the xA and the older xB.

I'm sure there is more...Haven't thought of them.

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Old 01-25-2008, 03:11 AM   #4
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What is the dash like? I drive a Saturn daily and the dash is plastic and even after replacing the worn out engine mounts, the dash rattle is DRIVING ME INSANE!

I guess I'll find out for myself tomorrow at 10am!

I really look for ergonomics. If I can sit up straight and reach everthing easily, the HVAC vents are easily adjusted to the location I desire (at 10 and 2 for when driving on those cold days to keep the hands warm on the steering wheel) and the A and B pillars don't obstruct my view obnoxiously, I think I'll be pretty happy. If the dash rattles at all, I'll freak out, and if the clutch feels anything like all other toyotas I've driven, I'll likely be a little annoyed w/ how soft it is.

I really appreciate your input!
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Old 01-25-2008, 07:07 AM   #5
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Let me refer you to

Considering I've only had my yaris since middle of Novem, 2007. Certain things I write will be from observations of people's posts, not only from yarisworld but from googled sites.

Here's a nice pro/ con from yarisworld:

About the dash, there are complaints about rattles. They don't seem to come from a majority of the members. I also get the ususal "it's a cheap dash," but those comments also get responded to with "it's better than the competitors" and they list off certain GM or ford products in the same price category. I don't quite care, can't expect a Lexus or even Camry interior from a 13k dollar car.
About Rattles:
.. there are others, but these are the gist of the complaints.

Onto ergonomics. First complaint you get from anyone is the cup holders. They are situated right infront of the distal/ side vents and they are a little shallow. One, they are up high (think of coffee), two, think of the air from the from the vents either heating up or cooling your beverages. To address the shallowness, Think of cups that are top heavy like say Carl Jr's/Karl Karchers' large cups where the bottom is small so it can fit cup holders. Or even the del taco large cups. Should you need to gass the car a little, you know to hold on to the drinks. They are snug fitting though.

I should note that I mostly relegate the side vents to "air" out the windows because there are not any dedicated vents that vent air to them.

Second, the HVAC, there are absolutely no complaints beyond the cheap plastic they use. It's simple and easy to use **from what toyota site says, it seems the rear defrost is actually an option. Can be found in the power package.** As with many newer models, expect that the A/C comes on when you turn the knob to vent air to the dash/ front winshield. I've read that even thought the light for A/C isn't on, it is working when you have defrost on.
I have no complaints about the view out of the car. The pillars are no bother. In fact the hood won't even bother you, can't see it at all unless you are too tall to even fit into the car (literally), and I'm 6'0". I have a larger friend who complains about fitting into the car. I'm on the large side too (not as big) and I fit fine.

The seating position? It's upright like a chair. Imagine siting in a truck as opposed to a car like an older civic coupe or even an older camry where you are more laid back.

All controls are within comfortable reach.

And as far as the center mounted dash, I use my eyes to glance at things not my head. People (general population who have not driven in a car with a center dash) like to complain about the dash as if they physically turn and tilt their head to see the instrument panel. Who in the world does this when they look down in a regular car? If anything the positive about the center dash is that you can tilt the steering wheel as much as you wish and not worry about obstructing your view of the gauges. **note, don't expect a 13k car to have the telescoping ability.

Third: THE Clutch.
First of all, on this subject, let me say that toyota put a throttle by wire system into the yaris. This affects the clutch action (some complain of lag).

I saved the clutch for last. For anyone having driving a manual for years, they would describe the yaris 5 spd's clutch to be odd. I know how to drive a manual for 8 years now, but haven't driven in one for about 5 of those years. I don't have complaints about it but for those who do, say that it's very light and takes time to get used to.

*one moment to say that the pedals are positioned somewhat close to eachother (again, size 11 foot, doesn't bother me).**
Throttle by wire:

To sum this particular post up. There are issues, ie rattles, and clutch. They don't quite warrant over looking the car yet until you drive the car. Some of the rattle s are concrete complaints, but as far as the clutch, I think its more of a person to person basis. Some like it, some don't, others don't care.


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Old 01-25-2008, 01:37 PM   #6
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Dave, much appreciation for the time you spent addressing my thoughts and for all the links you posted!

I put a new clutch in my Z28 yearly (it's an AutoZone clutch w/ a 1 year warranty, so I just keep replacing it to have a fresh one for racing) and I set it up really stiff because I like to feel when it engages. I hate not knowing when a clutch is starting to grab and this will be surprisingly fun to play with tomorrow morning when the salesman goes on my test drive w/ me.

Never driven a car w/ a center clutster, always thought the ION was cool for it though. I hope the rattles don't annoy me too much, I can overlook some things, but constant RPM variant rattles will drive me bonkers!

I was going to have to go into work tomorrow morning to finish up a bunch of stuff but I just stayed late today so that I wouldn't miss my appointment at the Toyota Dealer!!

Very excited, and once again, thanks!

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Old 01-25-2008, 03:59 PM   #7
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Nice!.. Have fun with carshopping tomarrow.

You're welcome,


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Old 01-26-2008, 08:16 AM   #8
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Salesman had me drive the white sedan 5 speed w/ power package priced at $14,500 after $500 rebate, then a hatchback 5 speed w/ power package at $14,000 no rebate offer, then an '08 Corolla CE 5-speed at $15,600 w/ $1000 rebate.

I liked the Corolla best but didn't like the styling because its been the same for so many years... Plus the window sticker advertised 37mpg highway and the salesman stated it would do that, and no more... whereas he admitted the Yaris at 40mpg would possibly get 45mpg when driven easily.

So... I'm stuck. I liked the styling of the sedan Yaris best, but liked the interior of the hatchback Yaris best. Liked the overall quality of the Corolla best... lol

Think I'm going to just sleep on it for a few days.

I did dump the clutch on the hatchback model just to see what would happen, sure enough, roasted the tires then chirped 2nd gear... surprised me.

The turning radius is simply amazing... either of the Yaris's would turn in a circle the same size as the wheelbase... it was unreal to experience that. The steering was heavier on the hatchback, and the Corolla had the best feeling clutch and ergonomics in the interior.

I'll write more later.... also... I drove a Pontiac G5 today for the hell of it and the Toyota products blew it away. Base price is $15,595 on the G5.
'09 Saturn Aura 2.4L
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Old 02-14-2008, 04:28 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by civic94 View Post
well for one, the value of it wont hold up as well as a civic or a corolla. the yaris is the newer version of the echo, (cheaper, more efficient, and smaller than the corolla) the parts are more rare. Theres just more people into corolla's than echos. if something went wrong with the yaris when it gets older, like when its 10 years old, parts for it wont be as easy to find compared to a civic or corolla, so you have to put that into thinking also

I would pay a bit more for a corolla, civic, fit, matrix, etc.
I disagree. It's still a Toyota, resale will be just as high, and parts just as plentiful! It will get slightly better fuel mileage than the Corolla though.
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Old 02-14-2008, 04:33 PM   #10
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Yaris Liftback - oh yehhhhhhhhh..........

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