Originally Posted by trebuchet03
Someone in another thread said something about making a bumper sticker:
"My car still gets double the mileage of your hybrid SUV"
A bit long, but great nonetheless 
lol, that was me! I still think about doing that, but there are quite a few Prius owners, one Escape hybrid and a Vue hybrid that FLY by me in the morning commute. I just kind of shake my head sadly as they do that.
Originally Posted by VetteOwner
lol i remember when they were advertising "500miles on a single tank" im like so? my 11 year old truck can do that!
Yeah, the Hybrid Escape supposedly gets 34mpg with a 15 gallon tank for a combined total of 500 miles, kind of a big tank, but I'm used to only 10 gallon tanks. Ironically, I have a friend that owns a V6 Escape, 4 wheel drive 2005 or 6 model with 4 speed automatic and can get 25 mpg out of it with little effort. She does accelerate nice and slow and doesn't speed. Which is cool because I got to drive it once this winter and it was a BLAST!
So I suppose I should give a first day update for my morning commute:
It surprised me this morning that most people actually did NOT tailgate me and instead went right into the passing lane and went by. I didn't get any gestures or ill-will so far. Which is surprising because usually I will be tailgated from a red light or just in general on the highway. It seems that here in MN, that if you are driving the posted speed limit you're going too slow and should be tailgated so you speed up, even though you are in the right (read: SLOOOOOOOW) lane.
I will be sure to post about my return commute tonight since that one is the "I want to get home from work so you better get out of my way!" mentality for the commute home for most people.