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Old 11-01-2008, 03:31 PM   #1
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They Got It Right and Were Wrong

They Got It Right and Were Wrong


The Weather Reporters, of course; are who got it right and were still wrong.

Our forecast for The San Francisco Bay Area, for the past week, has been for 'showers' this weekend.

November began with light rain growing to moderately heavy rain constantly until noon with a half-hour pause with misty-showers followed by moderately heavy rain all afternoon.

Moderately heavy rain is where you must slow dramatically if driving. Heavy rain brings cars to a crawl, at best. Showers, indeed.

We live in a Mediterranean Climate in this part of California. We have drought and rain cycles. Sometimes a lot of either, depending on the whims of the little South American kid, El Nino.

Tonight the news reports will be warning of flooding and mudslides. Unfortunately, they will be right because the all day rain will saturate the soil then the problems will begin, especially where there were fires. An unending cycle that they will always gripe about and make into a crisis.

I have fond memories on safari in the Bali Mountains with my Ethiopian brother Lemma, snuggled in our sleeping bags and reading, while all-day rain pelted the tent. No hunting that day. I was reading; "Gray Sea's Under" a story about a tugboat, and I was there on the boat. The right weather outside will do that to a good story. Make it better.

Those of us who lived there remember how the sky would open and an hour later we could play clay-court tennis. Our houses had corrigated metal roofs and, often, cloth ceilings (think Piper Cub, with it's lacquered cloth skin) so, when it rained we communicated with gestures.

Today Judy and I spent the morning on the porch, fresh ground Ethiopian Coffee in mugs warming fingers while snacking on a late breakfast, and we listened to the rain on the aluminum patio roof. She loves the rain. Later she retired to the bedroom for some reading and 'inside listening' with visits to the porch from time to time to watch the quick nods of blades of lawn as the raindrops hit them, the plants and trees gently dancing in the slight breeze, the Hummingbird zipping in for a refueling of high-test at the feeder and flying between raindrops just for the joy of flying; and I came into the office to do some computer work and then compose this missive.

Something magical and mystical about rain. When you don't have to be out in it.

I havn't had the chance to get wet, like I used to, since I got the Tundra. Used to be if I got soaked, making a delivery in the rain, I'd turn the air conditing and heat to maximum, direct the vents on myself and be dry in fifteen minutes or so. Easier than the irritation and hassle of rain-gear. "Clyde The Ride," as Judy calls the Tundra, has a much better climate control than the very good one in the Dakota, so It'll be fun trying it out.

I did buy a rubber backed bathroom floor mat that looks like sheep skin, to put on the driver side floor, and it does a great job of catching the grime and crud my shoes have on them. Amazing how much dirt there is on solid floors and sidewalks. I wash it Friday night. Keeps the truck much cleaner than the solid floor mat under it.

I have a Casio 'Atomic' watch. It should set itself back from Daylight Savings Time automatically tonight. I won't stay up to watch the watch change.

Problem is....the cat. She is in the habit of working us for a treat at 5:30PM. She doesn't do Daylight Savings Time, so we have to tolerate her walking in front of the computer screen, whatever we're reading and her otherwise pestering us, from 4:30 until she convinces us we are senile and forgot to give her her treat.

Life is Good, my friends, life is good.

I use and talk about, but don't sell Amsoil.
Who is shatto?
06 4.7 Tundra replaced a 98 Dakota 3.9.
623,000 miles on original engine and transmission, using Amsoil by-pass filters and lubrication.
+Everybody knows something you don't know.
+Artists prove truth can be in forms you don't understand.

Low-Risk Option Trader
Retired Pro-Hunter featured in; 'African Hunter', by James R. Mellon III. and listed in; Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game.
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