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Old 09-13-2007, 04:33 PM   #191
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C'mon, we all know there's a huge gulf between natural selection (which occers) and spontaneous generation of life (which doesn't). And yes, they've been making beakers full of amino acids for a long while now, but try as they might, they've never gotten within artillery range of "life". And, since you're smart enough to know about the amino acids and such, you also know about the left-handed and right-handed ones and so on with the UV radiation and poisonous atmosphere etc. I am even more firmly entrenched in my position, since it seems that belief in evolution takes more faith than believing that God created all of this out of nothing.

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Old 09-13-2007, 04:34 PM   #192
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Yeah, there's even a Rancho Santa Margarita, but they just write RSM for their addresses. Don't read this, either.

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Old 09-13-2007, 04:40 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by stinkindiesel View Post
Contemporary instantiation linked where?
As far as Muslim prayer time goes, call the Rancho Cucamonga School District and ask if your Muslim son can be excused from class and have a quiet place to practice his religious observances.
Basic knowledge of islam will show that prayer in a certain way is very much more important than it is in many christian religions. If class was held during church or during some other, timerelated thing where class directly prevented religious observation, a christian would get out of class too.

And clencher, why do my taxes pay for schools where the teaching is decidedly bent to the left, but if I want more balance in my kid's education, I have to shell out more for parochial school? Why can my child receive liberal-minded indoctrination, but the merest whiff of dissonance whips the lefties into a frenzy of "separationism"? This is funny to me, because I could say the same thing except to say the school's are too conservative. This is just whining.

In the RCSD, the 2005 health curriculum included the teaching that heterosexuality was as valid a lifestyle choice as homosexuality- yes, worded like that- and if a person was confused or curious, they should experiment with oral sex. Kids whose parents had them "opted out" were told to report to the class, then they would be excused. They were excused, but the teachers announced that the kids were opted out and marched them out. They were singled out, stygmatized, for having different beliefs. Perhaps the teacher acted wrongly singling out the students, but that does not make a bigoted text book supporting institutionalized discrimination against gays a good solution. Perhaps if you found a gay sex-ed teacher who told the class that heterosexuality was a disorder it might be more shocking.

Imagine how fat the lawsuit would be if the ACLU was a conservative crew?
It seems, and the responses I've seen in this forum bear it out, that the "free thinkers" and those who aren't stifled by the medieval Biblical mindset are the ones most vehemently opposed to contradictory viewpoints. As if my thoughts make me lesser than someone who is so open-minded that all people are equal and have value (unless you're conservative, then you're ignorant poo). I think what you see as "vehement opposition" is a result of the opinions of people who have carefully considered their views. Many times, with a few exceptions, my easy going "live and let live" friends are the ones who don't really consider the other side or what they believe, then whine when everyone has a problem over it.

Why is it so inflammatory if my son asks for God's blessing over the lunch he eats at school? Will a classmate die at the spoken name of Christ? Will the name of Jesus cause that much uproar? Why are the children learning about Ramadan, but the Judaic Holy Days are absent? Most kids don't know what the hell ramadan is, that's why they learn about it. Your kids learn math in school, right? If math were practiced religiously at home with gifts and a tree every year, we wouldn't need to study it to figure out what it was about.

Like clencher said, the kids don't give a crap... but the ones that do, why grind them? Let their parents be their moral teachers, and keep the schools from interfering. Let 'em pray, do their obsevances, etc. Why is it OK for my kid to be taught in public school that we're evolved out of a primordial ooze, but anything else is heresy? It's not heresy, it just doesn't have a scientific background. If you want to parents to be the moral teachers, than surely the parents can teach whatever religious version of human history they want. However, intelligent design or creationism are not based or supported primarily by science.

I had a guy ask me to keep it down while I was saying Grace over a meal in a restaurant- said he didn't take his family out to eat and hear a sermon. But MY family had to listen to him and his clan drop the "F" bomb repeatedly, even after I asked him to tame the language. It turned into "yeah, well, f---, oh sorry, the car was blah blah.. and the sh-t was -oh, sorry- all over the place..." Obviously, that guy's a douchebag. Doesn't mean athiests all hate you. I've gotten much worse from christians, but I don't go shake my fist at christianity over it.

Why does invoking Jesus Christ's name cause such reactions?Cause he's god and you'll go to hell if you say his name in vain, right?
Comments in bold.

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Old 09-13-2007, 04:40 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by stinkindiesel View Post
C'mon, we all know there's a huge gulf between natural selection (which occers) and spontaneous generation of life (which doesn't).
Please cite your sources.
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Old 09-13-2007, 04:56 PM   #195
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the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, it took life about a billion years to form and another 3.7 or so billion years for humans to evolve, that is the best guess by the best minds, not irrational superstitious people desperately trying to make the facts fit a fictitious story. Spontaneous superstitions DO occur, just like life when given enoug time.
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Old 09-13-2007, 05:03 PM   #196
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It's like your invisible pink unicorns- how can I prove something that's never been shown to happen? (yuk- did I really spell "occer" like that? who's been editing my stuff?)
If something approaching "life" was generated in a lab, wouldn't the evolutionists use it as a big, gold-plated hood ornament? It would be a trophy, something for the narcissists to use as proof that they don't need God. Seriously, how great would it feel to shove something like that down my throat? Go on, you can say it just this once...
The flip side is when you finally get the first-hand proof of whether God is or isn't, it'll be "for keeps". I know who He is, and I'm praying for you. With my whole heart, I hope you will seek the truth.
I've got to go for a while. Stuff needs to be attended to.
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Old 09-13-2007, 05:05 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by stinkindiesel View Post
Contemporary instantiation linked where?
As far as Muslim prayer time goes, call the Rancho Cucamonga School District and ask if your Muslim son can be excused from class and have a quiet place to practice his religious observances.
Go up the page. As far as places like Upland High (fine guard girls ) I haven't heard about anything about preferential treatment of certain religious sects and can't find anything on the search engines. FWIW, I could be excused from class for anything and everything provided my parent asked for it. Be it to pray, observe the Pocho Hour of Power, or pee on the curb. Whatever they do for one sect, they'll do for another. Believe you me, a school district does not want to deal with a lawsuit or damages of any kind.
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 09-13-2007, 05:09 PM   #198
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Nah. There was no 3.7 billion yrs ago. It's OK.
And clencher, I don't caps unless I'm beginning a sentence, using a proper name, or am too busy too do the bold thing on the control thingie.
Relax, open up, take a deep breath. Know that there are Christians praying for you all over the country- maybe the world- right now.
Do you feel grateful, indifferent or angry?
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Old 09-13-2007, 05:13 PM   #199
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Personally, I think it's pretty demeaning to be told I'm being prayed for. I don't need anyone to look down on my like that, but you asked.
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Old 09-13-2007, 06:56 PM   #200
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Originally Posted by SVOboy View Post
Personally, I think it's pretty demeaning to be told I'm being prayed for. I don't need anyone to look down on my like that, but you asked.
I saw this on Jeopardy once...

Answer: "Exhibiting an attitude of superior virtue."
Question: "What is, Holier than thou?"

But honestly, I don't care if someone else prays for me (whatever floats their 5000 yr old boat). It's the people that flaunt the idea that irk me. But maybe that's where my beef is with organized religion. It's not the religion, it's the people :/

An extra bottle of Manishevitz and a plate of sufganiyot for the praying crew! You've got a lot of work to keep those seats warm for the rest of us

Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students.

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