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Old 09-13-2007, 12:00 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq View Post
Sure we can, it just takes longer than a week due to computing and data constraints. I've heard it's ~50% accurate at 5 days and 90% accurate at 24 hours, with more rnage for the time of onset than the accuracy of what it predicts.
It's more art than anything else. Watch the weather on 3 different local stations, all will have different forecasts. They will be similar for the next day, but way different more than a day or two out. Sadly, the guy that was usually right in the Tulsa area, Jim Giles, passed away a few months back. Still, 100 years of weather records, with only about 40-50 years of them being halfway accurate, is not a good sample of a million years of climate.

Bowtieguy, that argument is about as good as Skewbe's arguments on global warming. Just as funny too.

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Old 09-13-2007, 02:25 PM   #182
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Originally Posted by Telco View Post
...that argument is about as good as Skewbe's arguments on global warming. Just as funny too.
Hahaha, that is funny, because most of my reasoning against your position has just been a rehashed version of your reasoning (when you were using something resembling reason that is). So you have come full circle to discredit your own position

BTW, I was thinking how we like to sling our crap at each other, and was recently treated to a visit to the monkey house and witnessed VERY similiar behavior. I was thinking we could pose for a "evolution is bleeding obvious" poster?

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Old 09-13-2007, 02:37 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by Telco View Post
It's more art than anything else. Watch the weather on 3 different local stations, all will have different forecasts. They will be similar for the next day, but way different more than a day or two out. Sadly, the guy that was usually right in the Tulsa area, Jim Giles, passed away a few months back. Still, 100 years of weather records, with only about 40-50 years of them being halfway accurate, is not a good sample of a million years of climate.
Weather forecasts aren't necessarily weather modeling. I mean, it'd be nice if every station had their own supercomputer setup, but probably not practical. We have a decent amount of info regarding climate change on the millennial scale, just not much in terms of local influences, which is where most of the risk lies. What's interesting is that we should be headed for another glacial period, however instead of dropping, or even treading water, we're increasing (better resolution). This is likely why most are a bit worried, since we're entering unknown territory to a certain extent, likely to our own actions.
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 09-13-2007, 02:38 PM   #184
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Hey, are we on pace to beat the daily FE thread?
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 09-13-2007, 02:54 PM   #185
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I think it was kinda like the small talk of the fora?
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 09-13-2007, 03:20 PM   #186
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It's not that Christain kids CAN pray "in their heads", it's the lop-sidedness of how "separation of church & state" is played out (by the way, the sep. of church and state is a whole other thread begging for starting). The screamers want NO Christian influence, but will embrace elements of just about every other religion out there. Teaching the THEORY of evolution as fact with NO room for dissention? Ignorance and bigotry.
Muslim kids excused from class to go to the auditorium or music lab to spread out their prayer rugs while Christian kids must "pray in their heads"? Shiite and fall back in it; you don't see the hypocrisy in that?
And again, people made a lot of noise when I said it the first time but noone's refuted it- life from elemental goo has never been even nearly approximated in the lab, and evolution is a theory discredited by science.
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Old 09-13-2007, 03:32 PM   #187
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Originally Posted by stinkindiesel View Post
Muslim kids excused from class to go to the auditorium or music lab to spread out their prayer rugs while Christian kids must "pray in their heads"? Shiite and fall back in it; you don't see the hypocrisy in that?
Links plz.
Originally Posted by stinkindiesel
evolution is a theory discredited by science.
No it ain't. It's contemporary instantiation has been observed, and the link to it is above...
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 09-13-2007, 03:36 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by stinkindiesel View Post from elemental goo has never been even nearly approximated in the lab, and evolution is a theory discredited by science...
I let a lot of misinformation go, but this is just plain rubbish.

They were zapping stuff and making amino acids in the lab since before I was born. Though I would say be very careful what you wish for here, I don't know that it is anything but an academic exercise to zap the goo until something moves and reproduces, but what comes out might not be compatable with what is already here.

Please cite your sources when you say "science" discredits evolution. Science just affirmed evolution: (thanks for that omgwtfbyobbq )
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Old 09-13-2007, 04:20 PM   #189
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Contemporary instantiation linked where?
As far as Muslim prayer time goes, call the Rancho Cucamonga School District and ask if your Muslim son can be excused from class and have a quiet place to practice his religious observances.
And clencher, why do my taxes pay for schools where the teaching is decidedly bent to the left, but if I want more balance in my kid's education, I have to shell out more for parochial school? Why can my child receive liberal-minded indoctrination, but the merest whiff of dissonance whips the lefties into a frenzy of "separationism"? In the RCSD, the 2005 health curriculum included the teaching that heterosexuality was as valid a lifestyle choice as homosexuality- yes, worded like that- and if a person was confused or curious, they should experiment with oral sex. Kids whose parents had them "opted out" were told to report to the class, then they would be excused. They were excused, but the teachers announced that the kids were opted out and marched them out. They were singled out, stygmatized, for having different beliefs.
Imagine how fat the lawsuit would be if the ACLU was a conservative crew?
It seems, and the responses I've seen in this forum bear it out, that the "free thinkers" and those who aren't stifled by the medieval Biblical mindset are the ones most vehemently opposed to contradictory viewpoints. As if my thoughts make me lesser than someone who is so open-minded that all people are equal and have value (unless you're conservative, then you're ignorant poo). Why is it so inflammatory if my son asks for God's blessing over the lunch he eats at school? Will a classmate die at the spoken name of Christ? Will the name of Jesus cause that much uproar? Why are the children learning about Ramadan, but the Judaic Holy Days are absent?
Like clencher said, the kids don't give a crap... but the ones that do, why grind them? Let their parents be their moral teachers, and keep the schools from interfering. Let 'em pray, do their obsevances, etc. Why is it OK for my kid to be taught in public school that we're evolved out of a primordial ooze, but anything else is heresy?
I had a guy ask me to keep it down while I was saying Grace over a meal in a restaurant- said he didn't take his family out to eat and hear a sermon. But MY family had to listen to him and his clan drop the "F" bomb repeatedly, even after I asked him to tame the language. It turned into "yeah, well, f---, oh sorry, the car was blah blah.. and the sh-t was -oh, sorry- all over the place..."
Why does invoking Jesus Christ's name cause such reactions?
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Old 09-13-2007, 04:25 PM   #190
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I'm sorry, didn't even read that, but Rancho Cucamonga? Hahaha.

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