I saw the video, and I want my 11 minutes 26 seconds of my life back :-(
Claims of a "Tesla Infinite Mile Warranty" and "Zero maintenance" leave me with my eyes rolling. Ignore that 60% of Tesla Model S owners who need an entirely new drivetrain before 60,000 miles. Ask Tesla whatdo they warranty for an infinite number of miles... and how many months do they limit so you'll never get close?
The Tesla is "the best car ever" (say consumer reports). Right. As long as you're okay with body panels and door not aligning in a $100,000 vehicle, and replacing your drive train before 60,000 miles, it's way good. Riiiiiigh (in my best Dr. Evil voice).
"An electric motor is WAY more powerful than in internal combustion engine." Always? Nah. Not always. Your mileage might vary. Just because you have an EV does not mean you'll toast every ICE on the road.
"You'll soon be able to get Porsche performance for Buick prices." I would not recommend holding your breath for "soon" to arrive.
"Minimum range to go mainstream is 320 kilometers" (198 miles). Better check that with your neighbors to see if they agree.
"By 2020, and maybe before, EVs will be cheaper to buy (than ICE) and they will be 10x to 100x cheaper to maintain... This is the tipping point." That's less than 4 years away, assuming the END of 2020. Call me skeptical.
"By 2022 the undustry will be able to build a $20,000 EV." Yeah, I'm still waiting for the $5 PC, based on historic price declines. Also remember "Moore's Law" about computer power doubling every few years? Do you know the "law" no longer applies, and hasn't for a number of years?
"By 2025, all new vehicles will be electric... all new buses, all new cars, all new tractors... anything that moves on four wheels will be electric... globally." Maybe in locales where that's the law. I don't believe because it'll make engineering and purchasing sense to do so.
Do I need to go on? I'm calling "hyperbole" on this.