Something interesting about my car.
When I bought my car I noticed the engine bay was super clean. The underbody was super clean too. The clutch was hard as hell(really hard to push in), pulled like crazy in high speeds.
Well something happened to my clutch system and it wouldn't want to go in gears, especially reverse. I had it towed to a dealer and got everything replaced. Clutch, clutch master cylender and slave cylender. After I got the new clutch I let it break in and now it feels so weak. It's not weak, but I think before I had a really good clutch. I would shift into 4th at 100mph and it would pull like crazy all the way to the speed governor(120). With the new clutch going in to 4th at a 100 feels like accelaration in 5th.
I guess whoever had the car before me really made the car for go. The IM is brand new so I'm thinking the engine had a Y8 IM and got converted to stock when the person was selling it. With the old clutch I used to rev it to 3k or more and go and it wouldn't hook up unless I shifted gears. Now if I try the same it would sit at 20mph for a 2 seconds and hook up and go.
So my main question is at 98,000 miles on what clutch is the car suppose to be on and in how many miles can I expect to get another clutch replacement???
And do you think my old cluch was messed up or just going to stock I went with a weaker clutch?