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Old 12-08-2006, 08:21 PM   #11
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Ice, Ice, Baby.

Originally Posted by theclencher
I'm gonna have to get high speed and it's all your guys' fault.
Naw, just load a thread, get a cup of coffee, and come back an hour's all good

Actually, the ICE (not the engine), but the ice and snow wasn't kind to me or Teggy this past weekend, so here's some real wreckage...

First off, getting the ice off of the windshield at the airport last week was a real chore. I was out there a long time scraping and making "relief cuts" like I always do to take sections off at a time, but this time was different. The result:

I've never had that happen. What a buggah -- of course, I didn't see it until I was back inside the car. Then 2 days later, I pull out of the garage into a drift and edge sideways a bit into the garage, resulting in:

It seemed like a lite bump, but nope. That was a complete bonehead move on my part -- I just didn't realize how close I was on that side, gave it some gas, and slid back, and over.

Not a cheap week, I guess -- I'm just thankful I didn't end up in the median like countless other drivers that night of the storm.

I can probably replace the mirror cheaply as the pivot is broken on the adjuster, and the plastic surround is no big deal (I'll just leave it busted) -- but the windshield, is another story. This will be windshield #4 -- my Wife tells me (must be a weak design or something as stone chips have totally destroyed previous installations). It already had a stone chip from 3 years ago that didn't progress, but may have weakened it (clearly).

I can live with it for a while, but there's always that safety factor that people have to bring-up. For 1 thing, it's safety glass, meaning it's not going to cave-in and bust chards all over (it's sandwiched between 2 layers of clear plastic). How long can I let this go without it being an "issue"? Of course, vehicle inspection is in the Spring, so before then, I 'spose.


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Old 12-08-2006, 08:40 PM   #12
Tuggin at the surly bonds
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Oh man, I did both of those things only I couldn't blame ice. I broke a mirror off a car a while back just getting too close to something. Luckily I could epoxy it back on. As for the windshield, I recently had removed a wiper blade and was about to replace it when the arm slipped out of my hand and smacked into the glass. It spidered the windshield about a foot in diameter, and I didn't have glass coverage on it either. I did get it fixed for about $200 installed - so lesson learned.

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Old 12-08-2006, 08:49 PM   #13
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Live, Learn

Originally Posted by Silveredwings
Oh man, I did both of those things only I couldn't blame ice. I broke a mirror off a car a while back just getting too close to something. Luckily I could epoxy it back on. As for the windshield, I recently had removed a wiper blade and was about to replace it when the arm slipped out of my hand and smacked into the glass. It spidered the windshield about a foot in diameter, and I didn't have glass coverage on it either. I did get it fixed for about $200 installed - so lesson learned.
Of all of my cars, this has the weakest glass by far. It is definitely a lesson learned. I should've started the car and let it "warm-up" to get that bubble of melted ice established first, but I didn't want to waste fuel (now that's moot as the energy and money to make/install the glass is much greater).

As for the mirror, it's just a dumb mistake. I should've centered the car a second time before moving backwards into the drifted snow. Live/learn.

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Old 12-08-2006, 08:58 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by rh77
As for the mirror, it's just a dumb mistake. I should've centered the car a second time before moving backwards into the drifted snow. Live/learn.

Is the mirror a junk yard part?
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Old 12-08-2006, 09:19 PM   #15
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Similar to TL

I'll admit that I've done this before. The most recent was with our old TL versus a construction barrel -- broke the pivot point (like a ball-and-socket joint). It was a heated unit, and I orded just the mirror (that included the wiring and connector joints) for around $60 new from the dealer and installed it myself. The Integra may even be a self-fix depending on what I find in there (I've been gone all week for work, so I haven't looked it over to get full repair detail. The whole break-away system is intact and can be fully moved 170-degrees -- so no problems there -- it just looks like the damage is where the mirror connects to the servos and swivel.

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Old 12-09-2006, 07:15 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by rh77
but I didn't want to waste fuel (now that's moot as the energy and money to make/install the glass is much greater).

Try that piece of cardboard / plastic (it's waterproof!) trick under your windshield wipers when you last leave the car / truck. It works! Just peel it off...and there's your clear hole in the ice/snow!
As for the busted mirror...snow sucks! After all, it is a four-letter word that starts with an "s"! LOL!
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Old 12-09-2006, 04:46 PM   #17
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I had a crash on my bicycle too, screwed up my MCL in my knee. I tried riding my bicycle again last week, but the day after driving it my knee was just killing me, I hope it gets all better soon :S
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Old 12-10-2006, 01:15 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by red91sit
I hope it gets all better soon :S
Your skrewd , but now you can join the ranks of a onegammyleg (except mine was from bad dna)

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