Originally Posted by BEEF
(total loss) that is jacked. you drove the thing away? that is really messed up.
I was under the impression (and it may be state to state) that if there is an accident and one of the people has no insurance that it is automatically his fault. that is how it is in NC, at least to my knowledge.
is insurance at least going to cover it? man I really liked the SI hatchbacks. maybe you can get one of the newer SIs. they have more power but not available in a hatch.
dang it. hopefully this will turn out alright for you.
depends on the state, IL its mandatory to have insurance and a hefty fine without it and no insurance tickets are always delt out. Now the person may be innocent in whatever scene but they will still get a ticket. dunno what indy does...
who had the right of way? im assuming you hit his front right cornner?
IL is goofy about that sometimes, if you hit someone behind the fender (door rear quarter) then it can be your fault for not paying attention driving too fast for conditions etc as the figure if you hit them that far back then you werent doing somehting right. of course that isnt in any book but from what ive seen and heard from cops and accidents...
also your lucky u didnt get arrested as spinning the wheels and excessive acceleration are known as wreckless driving in this state....