talk of the economy got me thinking about how in politics science, stats, and studies are often manipulated(or down right lied about) to support an agenda.
not to begin a political rant, but i would like to hear your experiences w/ this type of thing. your "story" does NOT have to be political. i could site example after example proving science/stat manipulation but i'll start w/ a simple baseball illustration...
there's a guy who claims to have studied Babe Ruth's fly outs--ALL of them! he suggested that a great many of them would have been home runs in today's shorter ball parks. in fact, he estimates the Babe would have reached well over a thousand of them, making his record untouchable.
the guy is VERY credible, and of course, his story is believable, even w/out watching endless hours of b-ball footage. here's my take...
how do baseball(the actual ball)compounds compare today vs then?
how do pitchers talent compare?
when were spit balls outlawed?
what affect would rule changes have?
what of the strike zone? how much has it changed?
what of today's better lighting(night games)?
performance enhancing(legal and otherwise)?
my point is...stats, science, studies...even the best computer will never actually prove ANYTHING in this regard. one's best decision of a given view is a combo of study and experience.