Tells you in a cold, calculated fact-filled manner what Sciatica is and it's cause. Yawn.
I got to thinking about the questions the Advise Nurse on the phone asked, and my doctors queries when I saw him Thursday.
They asked me to grade the pain on a scale from one through ten. Naturally I told her 'ten' because it hurt like hell when I called, and I told the doctor 'one' because it almost didn't hurt at all because I was in his presence and nothing is ever wrong on the doctors examining table. He chuckled.
I told him it felt like the time I dis-located my shoulder, like something got squished between the hip socket and the bone, that I couldn't even stand on my right leg because of the pain and weakness, but after the perfunctory poking and prodding and asking if it hurt 'here' and 'what if I did this or that' he concluded the problem wasn't the hip because the hip joint was way over there and the pain was right here at the top of my right buttock, under the belt. And besides, the x-rays showed arthritis in the hip area of my spine. So we will do the MRI for confirmation this coming Wednesday.
Seven days to get an opening to get an MRI. Take that, Canada, Britain and the rest of 'Free' healthcare.
Pain; 1 to 10.
* The tooth that broke vertically into the root just before the 4th of July....that was a weekend of 10.
* The Migraine that got away from me and caused my head to explode, because I didn't take enough Ibuprofen soon enough,....yep, 10.
* Walking away from thirteen years of marriage because I couldn't take anymore fighting....relief! Oh, never mind.
* Coming out of the anesthetic after my vocal chord surgery, when everything hurt like hell, even the tip of my nose....definite 10.
* The only reason I still have the end of my left index finger is the bone and finger nail stopped the knife.... a 10, but that was mostly irritation at my stupidity.
* 160 pounds of me falling two feet and all that weight multiplied by velocity landing you-know-where....oh, yeh 10!
* Collapsing in a pile when my back gave out in Basic Training and later in Korea....10.
There must be more; like blisters on the soles of my feet when I first began Tae Kwon-do, but continuing on to eventually run four miles barefoot as my daily exercise made me forget,
as we all forget pain and lessen it on the re-telling, unless we are showing off.
Each pain was very serious, and at the time a 10. But, each was different.
Hopefully, nobody ever has to experience all at once so the medical profession can accurately assess what a real 'ten' is.
I guess what I should have done is relate all the above to the doctor and let him figure it out.