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Old 02-05-2010, 05:00 PM   #1
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Saw an idiot today

I was in the Wal-Mart parking lot, which is a bad place to begin with. 3 shootings in Indianapolis Wal-Marts since April. I was about to leave the lot when I saw a red '95-ish Corolla flying down athe next row, going about 30 mph. We had about 3 inches of slushy snow, and it was still wickedly slick out. He yanked the emergency brake and tried to drift the car (still heading down a row of cars), and swung wide. His rear end was aimed directly at a GMC envoy, but he smacked the curb hard about 10 feet before he got there. The car got way over on its left side, but landed on all 4 wheels. I turned and headed over that way to make sure any vehicles or people did not get hit, and to find out where he parked. I was going to tell the Wal-Mart cop, who was parked in front of the building, what happened.

When I got behind him, I saw that his progress had been impeded by a cop car. And off-duty cop happened to be going the wrong way down the row and saw the whole thing. He was already out of his car, yelling and cussing at the guy, who was not cooperating. I went and got the Wal-Mart cop to help him out.

The car's rear suspension was totally jacked up, and he left some parts where he smacked the curb. I left my information with the cop and went home somewhat stunned.

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Old 02-05-2010, 05:34 PM   #2
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Wow, I was going to make a smart A%$ comment like you have to live in the middle of the Sahara Desert to only see one Moron in a whole day!

Had one almost nail me day before yesterday merging on the interstate. As I am entering the right lane, a full sized Chevy truck swerves over into me, so the idiot can pass cars on the right at 75 MPH. Wife was gasping as I pulled to the right so he wouldn't hit me, with 6 other cars doing 70 right behind us.


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Old 02-05-2010, 05:49 PM   #3
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Driving home this evening, it was snowing pretty good. I was going down a 4 lane road in my 4wd pickup, about 30 MPH. A riced out Honda flew by me like I wasn't even moving. I could have easily gone that fast, but I was thinking about being able to stop a 2 1/2 ton truck.

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Old 02-05-2010, 10:14 PM   #4
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Not very timely, but it fits this thread. My wife and I were in Phoenix for my niece's MBA graduation from ASU. We were driving toward the airport and saw stopped traffic ahead, so I slowed down. An idiot in a WRX flew past me going 30 mph faster, and THEN he saw the stopped traffic. He locked his brakes, sending up a cloud of blue/black tire smoke as his car spun around backwards and veered towards the concrete wall, stopping about 2' away from it. Miraculously, he didn't hit any other cars or objects. I hope the new flat spots in his tires taught him and his passenger a lesson.
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Old 02-06-2010, 01:11 PM   #5
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I had a job in Arizona delivering Nuclear medicine, and between the fast, aggressive California drivers, the Sun City dangerously slow drivers, young kids, heat, etc... It is one of the scariest places to drive. AND THEN, when it rains, everyone gets worse! I was in about 10 potentially detrimental/ fatal accidents in my 29 years there (born there, and moved when I was 29), and none were my fault.
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Old 02-06-2010, 01:24 PM   #6
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Some days I think that my semi-rural home, kinda out in the sticks, isn't really that far out there after all. I read posts from people who have to drive an hour to get gas and think my place is barely beyond suburban.

Then I spend a day driving around where I used to live/drive, which was not even a city, and I feel like a bumpkin. Egads! The traffic was, by my standards, completely insane and intolerable. How did I ever deal with that daily?

And then there's the terrible parkers. I'm in this crowded, tight parking lot with my full size pickup. I wait forever for idiots in compact cars to reciprocate back and forth repeatedly, trying to get into or out of a parking space. I slip right in on the first try, straight and true.
This sig may return, some day.
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Old 02-07-2010, 10:24 AM   #7
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i hate people who cant park! especially here at school i mean really how hard is it to pakc a cavileer straight in a huge spot!

ive seen people completely double park before and leave it double parked for weeks at a time. then as u can guess the next car and next and next are all screwed up cuz of the first idiot.
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Old 02-17-2010, 10:50 AM   #8
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my friend saw two cars race by him coming out of NYC on the way home from there, and then after they saw them around the next bend they drove by the same two cars totally smashed at 100mph.. Connecticut is so rice
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Old 02-17-2010, 08:15 PM   #9
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There was no shortage of idiots on the road to Las Vegas this past weekend. Two of them went onto exit ramps to try to pass me on the right, One of them succeeded, barely cutting back over the solid white line illegally. The other got caught by one of my pulses, and had to come back in behind me.

On the long three lane uphills, the right lane is for slow traffic, but at least ten idiots were illegally using that lane to attempt to pass slow traffic in the middle lane.

On the Tropicana exit in LV, a dozen idiots, including at least four taxis, bypassed the long line of cars waiting to exit the highway, and crossed the solid white line to get to the front of the line (hopefully to go left, and not right with the rest of the traffic).

But the worst was an idiot who passed me on the shoulder. He was too impatient to join the high speed conga line of idiots following each other at <2 seconds following distance.
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Old 02-17-2010, 09:12 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by SentraSE-R View Post

On the long three lane uphills, the right lane is for slow traffic, but at least ten idiots were illegally using that lane to attempt to pass slow traffic in the middle lane.
last time i checked that's NOT illegal its only illegal on 2 lane roads.

what happens when a slow person is in the far left lane? then noone can pass?

i pass on the right all the time if thier going 55-60 in a 65 (where everyones doing 70) in the middle lane i will pass on the right. if they dont liek cars passing them on the right then maybe they should i dunno be in the right lane.

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