I was on my way home from Indianapolis today and things were looking good as far as mileage goes when, all of a sudden at 55-60 mph, the engine died. The first thing I thought of was that my injector kill switch had malfunctioned so I started jiggling that but, nothing. I took the relay off that I was using for the injector-kill and jumpered the wires just in case the contacts in the relay had went bad; still nothing. I then checked to see if I was getting fuel; I was. I checked all of my fuses; they were all good. I then checked for spark by puuling a plug and putting the wire on it and holding it against the A/C bracket while the wife cranked the engine; I had spark. By the way, my wires are still in good shape because I didn't get knocked on my butt.

I ended up calling a towing service close to my home and getting towed back to my house. The tow-truck guy was nice enough to hook his car up to the wrecker before he left his place and brought it with him so the four of us would have a ride home. The distance was 85 miles. OUCH!! I'm not going to say how much the tow bill was yet but, let's say just that any fuel savings I have ever had with this car are gone, at least once over. I will pull the valve cover in the morning after I locate a torx bit and see what's waiting for me. Luckily, if that's possible to say, I have the next two weeks off for our summer shutdown.