Red Light Cameras :(
any thoughts on red light cameras? well, here are mine...
the city of orlando, florida decided to move forward w/ charging a $183 fine for red light runners at certain intersections. black and white(figurative) photos of a vehicle in intersections w/ these cameras WILL result in a fine, but no points on licenses. if the light is red and a vehicle is in the intersection, the fine is sent by mail--no gray area, black and white only.
okay...certainly this will prevent SOME nasty collisions and deaths. my beef is what about large trucks like i drive? as a pro driver, there is a point of no return concerning red lights. trial and error has taught me how to avoid completing a stop in the middle of an intersection.
if the human aspect(officers) is taken out, then perhaps a series of photos would suffice. so, if a vehicle is already in the intersection during the change from yellow to red, no fine. however, if the vehicle is outside the intersection during the change AND continues on thru it, slap the fine on them!
what about longer yellow lights? what about the increase of rear-end collisions due to the cameras? what if someone is in the intersection after braking to avoid another red light runner?
there is a traffic light that i must travel thru to make a delivery that is beyond belief...
if i am waiting at that red light(north/south) and another vehicle approaches(east/west) as i get my green light, it will change cycle. because of the size, weight, gearing, etc of the truck, i can see in my windshield the light turn red as i pass under it, obviously still in the intersection!!!
BTW, i have not been cited. but, with the size of my work vehicle, it's prolly just a matter of time! rant finito!