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Old 04-02-2007, 06:20 AM   #1
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Project Progress Report (2007/03/31)


I've been reading lots of business/motivational books lately, including
Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles" and one of the things he
recommend is starting some kind of "success club", where a couple of
people get together and say what they did during the week to achieve
their goals, and set the goal for the coming week.

So I'm starting this thread to do just that, and I'll be sending updates
on Monday. I'd love to hear from other people's projects, even if it's
something as simple as "I removed the roof rack and inflated the tires."

Tom's Hybrid-electric car project:

Last week was actually a very good one, I finally bought the motorcycle
engine on ebay! I had spent the last 3 weeks trying to find "the right one"
and I was outbid a couple of times. Of course I end up buying an expensive
one and two days later I get a second chance offer on a cheaper one!

But I am now the proud owner of a 2004 Suzuki GSX-R600 engine. The
next step is to get it to work. For that I'm getting more parts on ebay,
like the exhaust, fuel pump, that kind of stuff.

Now the goal is to have it running by the end of the week or earlier.
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Old 04-02-2007, 06:21 AM   #2
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ohh... I would love to see a motorcycle engine in a CRX.

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Old 04-02-2007, 02:01 PM   #3
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I love this idea as well! it seems we could all get a little big more motivated by such a thread.
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Old 04-09-2007, 11:04 AM   #4
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Project Progress Report (2007/04/09)

Well, my grand plan to have a running engine by the end of the week
was a bit unrealistic. I bought most of the parts on ebay, and they have
started coming in. I have a few more to buy, but they're expensive and
I'm hoping to get them at or below average prices.

In the mean time I started building an engine stand, and it's about
half done. My welds are starting to look acceptable. Also machined a new
bolt out of some scrap metal I had since the engine didn't come with all the
bolts. I also discovered that the starter cover was cracked, and it leaked
some oil. Made the template for the rest of the stand. I'll post pictures of
the engine as soon as I figure out how, for now see the links below.

This week: finish engine stand, paint it, label wire harness, order the rest
of the parts, bolt'em on. FIRE IT UP! (watch me have the same goal next week...)
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Old 04-09-2007, 12:14 PM   #5
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I dont understand a GSXR-600 in a CRX. That engine has no grunt properties.

I can think of alot of motorcycle engines that would do better in a micro car app. Then a tach sailing quad.

any old sportster v-twin. (883)
yamaha vertical 650 (brit knock off) 750 dohc. Trip 750, 500cc Yamaha single.
Honda had a way cool 500 V I think it was in the Ascot.
If going quad. GS 1000 Suzk hands down.
If wanting to go water cooled. OMG the engines that crop up. Hondas 500cc or so mini wing motor. Susk's knock off desmo engines found in V-storm.
If bullet proof was in order,,, then way not a old Yamaha XS1100.

Im just not understanding a GSXR-600.......


OOO and those BMW boxers....
09 HCHII, w/Navi
07 Mazda3 S Touring, 5MT
Mild Hypermiler or Mad Man?
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Old 04-16-2007, 06:55 AM   #6
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Project Progress Report (2007/04/16)

Hello psyshack,
thank you for your comments, I have to clarify a few things:
the car will be a hybrid-electric car, so most of the grunt will come
from the electric motor. The motorcycle engine is there for cruising
and charging the batteries.
The GSXR600 engine has enough grunt and horsepower for that,
unless I misunderestimated. The BMW's were also considered, but
I'm under the impression that they're less popular and I wanted to
have a good supply of used parts on ebay.
It was also selected because it's fuel injected, and has good aftermarket
support for reprogramming the ECU. (I'll leave it stock for now.)

Ok, now for the weekly update:
- I finished the engine stand.
- Parts have started coming in slowly, still buying a few things.
- I discovered that the starter cover was cracked, and that part keeps
eluding me on ebay. Grumble.
- Started figuring out the wiring harness, something I've never done
before. With a manual, wiring diagram and label maker I've labelled
all the major wires, 3 or 4 small ones remain a mystery.
- The wires connecting the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor
were cut really close to the sensor, not sure how to fix that yet.
- Connected the throttle bodies.
- The airbox I got on ebay included velocity stacks, so I don't have to
buy those, very exciting.
- Priced a motor from UQM (unique mobility at, way out of
my price range for the first car.

Goals for this week:
- Do my taxes...
- List parts that are missing and buy them. (electrical and hoses)
- Fix ECT sensor wiring
- Assemble parts as they arrive.
- Make bracket for exhaust + mount exhaust.
- Review survey results (remove my test answers)
- Research space frames some more and have first iteration drawn.

Pics at the usual

Originally Posted by psyshack View Post
I dont understand a GSXR-600 in a CRX. That engine has no grunt properties.

OOO and those BMW boxers....
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Old 04-16-2007, 05:17 PM   #7
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So far this week April 15 & 16-

Got a new exhaust on the Metro - not a complete success as I paid someone else to install it. A RARE ocassion indeed, but it fell apart on the way to work and I've been under the microscope lately by a new person in charge for making my own hours. The old regime told me to work when I want as long as there are no complaints and they don't hear that my work hasn't been getting done.

Last week was a GREAT week!:April 7-13-

- Got the A/C working again in the Metro AND the Jetta!

- Got ONE door on the Jetta tinted - only three to go!

- Detailed the Insight like there's no tomorrow, ouch my arm hurts from patting myself on the back for that. After the detailing I listed it on eBay - this week it has continued it's success as I have never seen this many people "watching" an auction. For those not familiar, selllers are able to see how many people have their auction saved. If I even have 5% of the watchers as serious bidders in a sniping war, it will be a very successful auction and I will hopefully get the most out of the car.

- Got my tractor running again and reattached the bush hog that fell off with a simple reciever hitch pin, before it had a fancy pin in there that came out in the woods somewhere. Next I was able to mow part of the lawn, maybe an acre or so - quite a ways to go.

- Cleaned out another shed and found my tools!!! I didn't even know I had them. Forgot about them when I packed them away about a year and a half ago.

All in all, a successful week that is overflowing into this week. I'm a happy camper.
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Old 04-19-2007, 03:05 PM   #8
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Hey Wazabi Owner,
Thanks for the update, I love to hear about other people's projects.
Do you have a link for the auction on ebay?
Where did you get those wheels for the Metro? Spun on a lathe? Dumpster dived lamp shades?

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Old 04-19-2007, 03:31 PM   #9
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I'll let you search eBay for the Insight. You'll notice it, it's the one that stands out amoung the others. Only a day left.

I picked up the wheels for the Metro at an auction - $40 for wheels & Yokohoma tires!, I run the hubcaps now though. Racing discs on cheap Pepboys tires.

Wait til I start gutting/updating my motorhome. THAT will be a project!!

Originally Posted by tom_eberhard View Post
Hey Wazabi Owner,
Thanks for the update, I love to hear about other people's projects.
Do you have a link for the auction on ebay?
Where did you get those wheels for the Metro? Spun on a lathe? Dumpster dived lamp shades?

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Old 04-29-2007, 06:30 PM   #10
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M.E. is for suckers. I'm prolly going to regret not taking all that crap when I'm a jap/linguistics double major with no idea how to weld...

Good to hear you figured out the harness, can't wait to see it done.
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