Hey can I join in the "Success" group?
Progress Report (2007/05/22)
Accomplishments - On 5/20/2007 I completed the following:
- Temporarily removed the antenna (will relocate later)
- Removed the useless air dam thingy under the nose of the Saturn
- Purchased 1 interior mirror to replace the passenger side mirror
Goals - For the weekend of 5/26/2007 and 5/27/2007 I plan the following:
- Relocation of antenna
- Remove passenger side mirror
- Purchase another interior mirror to replace the driver side mirror
- Install front air dam made of Lawn Edging from Home Depot
Details and pictures of the upgrades/mods will be posted to
I think this is neat, more guys should hop in this. As a data analyst for our Operations Excellence department at work, my job is to help people set goals, meet them, then set new goals. I try to do the same thing in my life as well. Helps me from dwelling on a single bad thing since I can see what progress I've already made.