I've been reading lots of business/motivational books lately, including
Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles" and one of the things he
recommend is starting some kind of "success club", where a couple of
people get together and say what they did during the week to achieve
their goals, and set the goal for the coming week.
So I'm starting this thread to do just that, and I'll be sending updates
on Monday. I'd love to hear from other people's projects, even if it's
something as simple as "I removed the roof rack and inflated the tires."
Tom's Hybrid-electric car project:
Last week was actually a very good one, I finally bought the motorcycle
engine on ebay! I had spent the last 3 weeks trying to find "the right one"
and I was outbid a couple of times. Of course I end up buying an expensive
one and two days later I get a second chance offer on a cheaper one!
But I am now the proud owner of a 2004 Suzuki GSX-R600 engine. The
next step is to get it to work. For that I'm getting more parts on ebay,
like the exhaust, fuel pump, that kind of stuff.
Now the goal is to have it running by the end of the week or earlier.