i mentioned before that the thing i like about this forum is the people on it. very few baseless or unsubstantiated MPG claims get made. and those who occasionally make them are usually called on it - in a respectful way. that's key.
i can think of another site which regularly publishes "articles" on its front page that make unsubstantiated, untested (or poorly tested) FE claims. i don't participate in its forums.
i'll always visit the teamswift site for the specific info i can get only there. and i lurk on a few others, again primarily because of the people who post on them.
so it's a human factor, not a technological one. hard to program that in, eh matt?
on the other hand, maybe it would be good to see more of a wiki-type section where the "definitive" word on various topics can reside (linked back to the thread(s) that discuss them).
forums are excellent for hashing things out, but they generally suck as a repository for information storing/seeking.
lastly, what would make this the bestest forum in the world would be if you clicked the "new" link on multi-page threads, and it actually took you to the latest posts
(just joshin' you matt, you're doing a swell job programming the heck out of this mutha!)
oh - and e-mail notification please!