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Old 11-18-2006, 03:06 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Silveredwings
Somehow, they'll always use it to their personal advantage. If anyone knows how to cheat the system, it's dirty cops.
Amen to that.

Everyone needs to mount cameras on their on cars to catch them in the act. Get a few red handed and the rest should be more careful about who they mess with.

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Old 11-18-2006, 05:51 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by nonnef
Everyone needs to mount cameras on their on cars to catch them in the act. Get a few red handed and the rest should be more careful about who they mess with.
What's great is that if I do that, I have the advantage. My speedometer is broken, so if I see red and blue lights, turn my cam on and point it at my speedometer and keep it rolling until the pig has released his load, I can laugh because the speedometer said that I was doing 46 when I was really doing 55!

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Old 11-19-2006, 01:12 AM   #33
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Im with the guys that never have pleasant experiences with cops. A friend of mine was at a party during the summer, and unfortunately one of the trashy morons that was there had a gun and pretty soon the pigs busted through the door, and the parasite throws his gun to the floor, and my friend who was standing with his hands up against the wall, just like he had been ordered to do, just happened to be closest to the gun. A cop saw it laying on the ground, and automatically pepper sprayed the nearest person, who wasnt even facing it and had his hands on the wall. Its just complete BS, and unfortunately these guys dont think they can do whatever they want, they KNOW they can, because no judge will bring the hammer down on a cop

Everytime Ive gotten pulled over they have to be rude and impolite, even though I am completely compliant and have my license out, waiting for them etc. I just dont know where the respect went with these ***holes these days.
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Old 11-19-2006, 02:52 AM   #34
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No , but I dont look like a reefer addict.
There technically is no such thing as a reefer addict. It isn't even physically addictive. Caffeine by far has more addictive properties according to the National Institute for Drug Abuse.

Agree, agree, but let's be fair! Would you want their job?
Any job in which refusing to acknowledge that law and justice do not equate is a prerequisite for maintaning that job is not a job that is honest.

And...let's face it ... what a nightmare world we would live in without 'em! I rest my case.
Historically, large scale publically funded police forces are a new construct. Middle 1800s or therabouts for the United States.

Police forces started to form in large numbers here to help control unrest that presented itself in the form labor strikes and by riots from mistreated Irish and Chinese immigrants and Native Americans. They were initially private groups such as Pinkertons, but later became publically funded. Anarchist groups in the 19th century and organized crime as was known in the early 1900s onward initially appeared as a knee-jerk reaction to combat this perceived oppression of the common man in an armed manner once most peaceful methods of resolution had failed, but such organized crime evolved into much more sophisticated and entrenched forms that deviated from their original purpose with the passing of prohibiton, becoming yert another menace to society instead of somethig to benefit it. Tax funded civilian police remained relatively isolated to the urban areas for decades after first appearing in urban areas around the 1840s-1890s, precisely where the labor unions existed. Private bounty hunters and ordinary citizens, when acting within their limitations, did the job of policing just fine.

Some of the first paid, professional police forces are well known for their acts of brutality. The Texas Rangers are recorded as having slaughtered over 4,000 Mexicans.

Here's an interesting synopsis that covers some of the things I have stated on this not so well known history:


The term "Pigs" to describe figures of law enforcement is also been said to stem from the term "Capitalist Pigs" which described those oppressing the right to free assembly of people to appease the capitalist investor/owner class. But this particular paragraph's content is what I heard from a professor of history, and I don't have a quick reference on hand to back this one up 100%.

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