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Old 11-17-2006, 03:06 PM   #11
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The police around here, particularly the staties, are extroardinarily consistent tailgaters. I don't know what kind of example they are trying to set but it irks the hell out of me.

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Old 11-17-2006, 03:19 PM   #12
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ever just slam on the brakes because of a dog? hehe they can't really cite you for it can they?

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Old 11-17-2006, 04:43 PM   #13
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I get pulled over in my neighborhood all the time. Being white, having long hair, and wearing leather in a mostly-black neighborhood, cops are always assuming I'm there to buy or sell drugs. They always pull me over and ask to search my vehicle. No warrant or probable cause. I always tell them no. It really pisses them off. One of them even threatened me, that he never wanted to see me again, even though I lived a block away from where he pulled me over. Cops have given me traffic tickets for speeding when I wasn't, because I didn't let them search my vehicle. Nevermind the unconstitutional nature of social experiments like the war on drugs.

I can't stand these overzealous pieces of ****. Them retaining their job depends on them not recognizing that 'law' and 'justice' are two entirely disjointed concepts. Not all cops are bad, mind you, but they are told to enforce what a few biased courts say, and not what the Supreme Law of the Land says. IMO, they're little different than a sort of faux army used to enforce a series of often illegal laws in effort to keep the population obedient to the state.

At least you're not this guy. No ID? You get tased!
I'm disappointed that all 30+ of those students didn't have the balls to surround and mob the few cops. If you outnumber them 10:1, then their tasers aren't going to do ****.

An idea of mine is to develop and test clothing with a built-in Faraday cage. Given that the more potent tasers on the market are ~300 kV, careful attention must be made to assure that the arcing that the taser barbs rely on to penetrate thick clothing, in cases where they don't contact tissue, can be diverted. These tasers can even stun you through thick body armor thanks to arcing. A typical taser is around 25 watts or so of power, so a Faraday cage has little worry of becoming too hot if it receives the barb end of a taser. The reduced electric shock could give you just enough time to pull a gun on that piece of **** tasing you, with the electric potential being distributed along the Faraday cage and not your muscle mass and nerve endings. Whether or not it will work, I can't say with 100% certainty. But the theory behind it is very sound.

Taser barbs also have a tendacy to bounce off of metal plates. They can't poke/hook through metal! But having metal-plated clothing wouldn't be practical. A mesh faraday cage embedded in clothing may be.

Tasers are very simple devices. Basically, a feedback oscillator and a transistor act to provide a switching frequency for a series of diodes acting as a rectifier. A small gap is used to create sparks and a series of transformers is used to step a small 9V or so up to ~300 kV.

Contrary to popular belief and what law enforcement states, tasers can be lethal. In Missouri, one man was killed by one. The police attributed the man's death to a minute amount of THC Delta9 metabolite in his system, even though he clearly wasn't intoxicated and you'd need about 6,000 times the THC provided in the typical marijuana joint to die from a THC overdose, something near impossible to accomplish. Go figure.

As far as I'm concerned, getting a taser used on you is the same as getting a gun used on you. If you aren't initially threatening the cop and such a lethal weapon is used on you, you should have every right to return in kind. Self defense.
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Old 11-17-2006, 05:09 PM   #14
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Ok lets not get carried away here - this is a public forum. I wonder what splashing water on a tazer would to to the guy holding it . . . nice salted conductive water . . . hummmm
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Old 11-17-2006, 06:02 PM   #15
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I got pulled over by 4 cops one time. They looked at my ID and apparently i was not the person they were looking for. It must have been another red saturn.
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Old 11-17-2006, 06:20 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by JanGeo
Ok lets not get carried away here - this is a public forum.
I don't think arrogant cops bring much undeserved hatred on themselves. All cops aren't bad, but I never see them cleaning up their ranks unless their crimes are WAY over the top.
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Old 11-17-2006, 08:20 PM   #17
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**** the police. I've had 3 occasions that happened where they didn't do their job right. 2 of the occasions they blamed **** on me.

The cops laughed at my dad when a truck scraped his entire right side. And gave my dad a ticket for crossing the line by going after the truck. They didn't even write a police report on the hit and run.

The car has a huge gash going from the rear bumper to the front passenger door.

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Old 11-17-2006, 08:27 PM   #18
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by Compaq888
And gave my dad a ticket for crossing the line by going after the truck. They didn't even write a police report on the hit and run.
A ticket for what? Speeding? If the officer didn't see it with his/her own two eyes, they had no right to do that. I'd definitely fight that one in court if I was your father.
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:31 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq
At least you're not this guy. No ID? You get tased!
I saw that this morning. What's sad is that nothing will happen because the kid is Iranian instead of a bigger minority. The kid will probably be charged with some bull**** crime that he didn't commit, and the cops will get a slap on the wrist at the most. **** like that happens every day, yet they keep putting these tasers in the hands of irresponsible cops then tell them that it can't do any damage. Quite a few people have been killed by them. I have a friend who was accidentally hit by a taser by a cop who missed someone else then was arrested so that he couldn't sue.

On a film I worked on a few months ago, we has quite a few pigs on the set for technical advice, and they were all very proud of their little electronic toys. They were joking about the times that they tasered people for mouthing off to them or for questionging their authority. They ****ing made me sick. Some of the stories that they were laughing and having a great time over were flat out disgusting like the time when they decided that they should taser a nudist even though he wasn't fleeing and got one of the barbs in his testicle. Pigs love that ****.
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Old 11-17-2006, 10:01 PM   #20
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It would be nice if a mob of people would gather around cops like that and place them under 'citizens arrest' if they are witnessing said police commit a felony. What these police are doing is clearly against the law. Nothing like good old fashioned vigilantism to set things right. That worked just fine before the U.S. had organized police forces as we know them today.

But the general public is scared of the police. The public servant has become the master of the public. A consequence of a populace that becomes less armed(relative to their government) and less free with each passing day. As our police become more militarized, so too will the public fear of the police forces grow. One could argue that this is intentional on part of our government.

In New Orleans during Katrina, both police and national gaurd were used to confiscate firearms held by law-abiding citizens. All told, this is just plain unconstitutional. the 2nd amendment grants these people the right to own these weapons, while the 4th requires a warrant issued upon probable cause for seizure. The authorities violated both of these amendments. Most of the guns have never even been returned to their rightful owners, even when proof of ownership such as serial numbers were presented.

This heightened fear and tension between the public and the police is detrimental to both sides. Not all cops are bad; some want to do what they perceive to be the right thing. But when both sides become more afraid of each other, more conflicts will occur and more deaths and 'accidents' will occur. More people's rights will become violated with little or no recourse by those figures of authority that were originally supposed to protect them.

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