Ever since Canadian Tire put my all-season treads back on my car, the rear axle has been making a weird grinding noise at speeds above 25mph. Also my acceleration and coasting seems held back. So I jacked up the Geo tonight and found that 2 of my wheels don't really roll freely in neutral.
I took my dad out for a drive and he says that my car simply is getting worn and old (253,000km on it now). Usually wheel bearings squeak when they're worn so who knows what's wrong. I'll eventually take my car into the mechanic again to get him to look at it.
By the way, my dad told me that I was shifting too soon while we went for a drive

. He said that I should be shifting at around 4000 RPM

! I demonstrated that the engine was screaming at 2500 RPM in 3rd gear @ 30 mph and he said "Oh that's nothing". Talk about a FE buster!
Edit: My personal mechanic has rediculous waiting times so I made an appointment for the morning of the 21st at the Chevy dealership here in town. It will probably be a little more expensive and I just
know they'll have a huge list of other things 'wrong' with my car, but at least it will be quicker. I'll make sure I don't get suckered into anything more than fixing the grinding noise (hey, the car runs and drives. What more do you expect for something with 157K miles on it).