So yeah, I got my very first speeding ticket on Saturday:
Attachment 191
I was driving on highway 46 near the Regina oil refinery heading out of town when suddenly I hear a loud police siren behind me. I've never pulled over so fast in my life as the Dodge Charger patrol unit freaked the living crap out of me. The Charger passed me in a hurry and pulled over a big Chevy truck in the distance. When I approached the stopped vehicles, the officer flagged me to pull over too.
The officer said "you guys were doing 80 (km/h) back there" and hurried to his cruiser to write us both tickets. I really don't think I was going as fast as the truck, but nonetheless I was probably doing 70km/h (it was a 50km/h zone).
I just think it's ironic that of all the sporty/high performance vehicles I've owned, I got a ticket in a lousy 3 cylinder car
