Originally Posted by stinkindiesel
I do agree with repete86 about there being too many lawmen. Too many laws, too. We need to scrap it all and start again, maybe the first law being something like "if there are more than 10 laws governing something, the eleventh law can be enacted ONLY if one of the prior 10 is repealed". Simplify. Read the DMV code governing something as elementary as headlights. It'll make you puke with despair. We CAN'T drive micro-compact speck-of-a-cars here in the USA because someone in a giant penis, uh, SUV might hit me. Can I decide that on my own? Noooo. Can't ride a motorcycle without a helmet, either. Sucks. Now that my skull's shaved, I wouldn't have to worry about my hair getting all jacked. We need to be allowed to take responsibility for our actions and stop pointing the finger of blame at others when we step on our own private parts.
i agree with you that CA is really F'ed up with laws. but around me theres not that many that they accualy enforce. but here you dont have to have a helmet, as long as your not driving like a jackass or thought to be drunk, most cops will leave you alone...
yea i agree that people accualy need to take responsible for thier own actions. BUT that wont happen any time soon becaus eof the stupid sue crazy country that we live in.( EX: people sueing McD's cuz thier fat, McD's didnt make you eat there every day for the past 5 years) people sueing car companies because when they rolled thier SUV trying to drive 60 on snow and make a turn, someone in the car died...dumb f***ing ppl in this country i swear..