Paranormal Activity 2
The first one was fun and scary, I can tell by the bruises left on my arm from my better half. The new one is bigger, better, more ghosts popping up and getting the audience to scream.
If you have ever watched Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal State, you'll get the idea of this movie, plenty of night vision green screen. It has some nice touches, lamps move and childs toys play by themselves, then all hell breaks loose.
SPOLIER ALERT, if you want to see this movie don't read beyond this point.
This great movie takes you for a ride, it builds slowly, includes charaters from the original movie, is well directed and naturally acted, they did a good job. That is until the last 5 minutes of the movie, they go for some cheap tricks and end it too fast, it becomes unbelievable. Better luck with a third sequel.