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Old 05-31-2009, 11:47 AM   #1
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Oreo Personality Test

Oreo Personality Test

Psychologists have discovered that the manner in which people eat Oreo cookies provides great insight into their personalities. Choose which method best describes your favorite method of eating Oreos:

1. The whole thing all at once.
2. One bite at a time.
3. Slow and methodical nibbles examining the results of each bite afterward.
4. In little feverous nibbles.
5. Dunked in some liquid (milk, coffee...).
6. Twisted apart, the inside, then the cookie.
7. Twisted apart, the inside, and toss the cookie.
8. Just the cookie, not the inside.
9. I just like to lick them, not eat them.
10. I don't have a favorite way because I don't like Oreo.

Your Personality:

1. The whole thing. This means you consume life with abandon, you are fun to be with, exciting, carefree with some hint of recklessness. You are totally irresponsible. No one should trust you with their children.

2. One bite at a time. You are lucky to be one of the 5.4 billion other people who eat their Oreos this very same way. Just like them, you lack imagination, but that's okay, not to worry, you're normal.

3. Slow and methodical. You follow the rules. You're very tidy and orderly. You're very meticulous in every detail with every thing you do to the point of being anal retentive and irritating to others. Stay out of the fast lane if you're only going to go the speed limit.

4. Feverous nibbles. Your boss likes you because you get your work done quickly. You always have a million things to do and never enough time to do them. Mental breakdowns and suicides run in your family. Valium and Ritalin would do you good.

5. Dunked. Every one likes you because you are always up beat. You like to sugar coat unpleasant experiences and rationalize bad situations into good ones. You are in total denial about the shambles you call a life. You have a propensity towards narcotic addiction.

6. Twisted apart, the inside, and then the cookie. You have a highly curious nature. You take pleasure in breaking things apart to find out how they work, though not always able to put them back together, so you destroy all the evidence of your activities. You deny your involvement when things go wrong. You are a compulsive liar and exhibit deviant, if not criminal, behavior.

7. Twisted apart, the inside, and then toss the cookie. You are good at business and take risk that pay off. You take what you want and throw the rest away. You are greedy, selfish, mean, and lack feelings for others. You should be ashamed of yourself. But that's ok, you don't care, you got yours.

8. Just the cookie, not the inside. You enjoy pain.

9. I just like to lick them, not eat them. Stay away from small furry animals and seek professional medical help - immediately.

10. I don't have a favorite way, I don't like Oreo cookies. You probably come from a rich family, and like to wear nice things, and go to up-scale restaurants. You are particular and fussy about the things you buy, own, and wear. Things have to be just right. You like to be pampered. You are a prim. Nobody likes you.

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Old 05-31-2009, 11:49 AM   #2
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LOL im a 1 and 5 depending on what i have.

i do occasionally twist and eat middle then cookies

lol what i try to do is try to scrape the frosting off in one glob so i have 2 clean cookies lol

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Old 05-31-2009, 12:07 PM   #3
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this just confirms to me my suspicion that i do not fit any mold. i consider myself a non-conformist and believe the label "outcast" a compliment...

i eat them many different ways, and yet i find them not appetizing in the least, tho i do occasionally eat them. so, i can understand #10.
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Old 05-31-2009, 12:17 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by VetteOwner View Post
lol what i try to do is try to scrape the frosting off in one glob so i have 2 clean cookies lol
Whoever invented Oreo Double Stuff was on the right track, but I'd go for Hexastuff or Octostuff. But since they haven't invented that yet, I have to make my own.

(I guess that makes me a combination of "think outside the box"er and "DIY"er)

Definitely not #10, except maybe the "nobody likes you" part.

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Old 05-31-2009, 12:24 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by bobc455 View Post
Definitely not #10, except maybe the "nobody likes you" part.
i like you Bob. well, at least your views.
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Old 05-31-2009, 02:37 PM   #6
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I don't fit the 10 description, but I think Oreos are yucky. I don't like the flavor of either part.

I also don't like lots of other foods, and I think all my nonOreoness merely says that I'm a picky eater.

However, here's how I eat an ice cream sandwich:
1. Let it thaw so it's soft.
2. Eat as much of the wafer outside as I can.
3. Enjoy most of the ice cream, my favorite part.
4. Settle for eating the rest in two bites of sandwichness more like normal people eat ice cream sandwiches.
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Old 05-31-2009, 04:11 PM   #7
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I'm #1, but not so much out of a zest for life but so as to avoid crumbs (and because I have a cavernous maw).

Main Entry: co de pen dence - see codependency
co de pen den cy
Pronunciation: \kō-di-ˈpen-dən(t)-sē\
Function: noun
Date: 1979

: a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as an addiction to alcohol or heroin) ; broadly : dependence on the needs of or control by another
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Old 05-31-2009, 04:16 PM   #8
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Now that you mention it, if I did eat Oreos I'd probably do #1. They're too small for me to want to disassemble them and eat the components, I need to put a lot of food in my big mouth for it to feel worthwhile.

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