UfoTofU- Interesting indeed. We've discussed that since my grandmother lives in a house that used "recycled" materials. The house was built by my grandfather around 65 years ago from recycled scrap wood. If I remember correctly they bought it by the truck load. Ready for the price? A quarter a truckload no matter what size truck! (not as good as free though) My grandfather used a dumptruck to get the wood. My grandfather has been gone for over a decade but the house still stands with minimal damage from each big hurricane.
JanGeo- I've strongly considered earth bermed. I forgot to mention that in my list above but even though I live in Florida my land has some hills here and there. I will definitely be "digging in". I need a front end loader for my tractor....
...wife gets mad when I mention that.
ketel0ne- This one is one my wife wants to do as well. I'm not as ready for it as she is. I don't know why though, I think its the logistics of it. Getting one of those containers on my property to where I need it to be would be a tree killing extravaganza. I'm going to have to take down 2 trees for my garage and I'm not happy about that at all, a container would mean many more. I still think they are really cool, just can't fit on in.
Thanks for those links. I haven't run across those.