Off-topic chat thread
This is a place to talk about stuff on your mind that doesn't fit in any other threads or doesn't necessitate their own thread.
So anyways the gym I go to was like five min away and closed down and recently I went to another branch of that gym that's about 18 min away with a bit more continuous driving with less stops. That drive to the old gym and also the school I went to close by but recently graduated from were largely responsible for low mpg figures. I averaged mid 17 mpg all this time. Very short drives. Now I'm at 21.xx a quarter tank in with a bunch of idling included, higher than usual. I take it out on the highway once in a while. Still live in an urban area though, but looking forward to some higher numbers for once. This longer drive to the gym, I'll see if it's sustainable. If not, might switch to a closer gym and ride my road bike.