Need feedback on site layout
SVOBoy mentioned something to me today that I think requires attention. The "articles" section of this website, or the "gas saving tips" is very akward and appears to be less read as a result.
The goal of this website is for other people to submit articles, DIY information, etc. The most read and browsed section of this website is the forum.
Would it make more sense to put the articles in the forum? Provide a place for people to post articles, news stories, and DIY stuff? A few places we're looking at to model after are and
Please weigh in. I can migrate all of the articles over rather easily (maybe an hour or so to fix database issues) and then I can also reformat the front page to be a little more user friendly.
I might be able to do this in the next day or so if you think it's worth it. As it is now the articles are more or less ignored, and I need to find a way to remedy this.