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Old 07-04-2009, 01:17 PM   #1
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Nationwide GUN Update

NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert Vol. 16, No. 26 7/2/09

Arizona Legislature Takes The Lead In Backing Self-Defense

The Arizona Senate passed three important self-defense bills in a session that lasted into the early morning hours Wednesday. First, SB 1113 enables law-abiding Right-to-Carry permit holders to carry firearms for self-defense in restaurants. This NRA-backed bill passed by an overwhelming, bi-partisan majority of 19-8 and will now be sent to Governor Jan Brewer's (R) desk for her consideration.

"If this important, common-sense legislation is signed, Arizonans will have the ability to defend themselves and their families from criminal attack in restaurants," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "Headlines remind us that restaurants are not immune to violent crime and we hope Arizona will join 40 other states that allow their law-abiding residents the opportunity to protect their own lives and the lives of those they love in restaurants."

Kansas Attorney General Moves to Recognize 'Non-Resident' Carry Permits: Kansas Attorney General Steve Six (D) today announced that the State of Kansas will now recognize non-resident Right-to-Carry permits issued by any of the 22 states already recognized.

"NRA has maintained for years that language in the Kansas statute indicates that non-resident Right-to-Carry permits should be recognized," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "This decision is a victory for gun owners as it Right-to-Carry laws and provides permit holders additional freedoms in Kansas to protect themselves and their families."

In Border States, BATFE Asks: "May We See Your Guns?"

[Editor's Note: Readers of the Grassroots Alert know that we often repeat information that is of particular importance. We do this for two reasons: 1) Each week, we add new Alert recipients who are seeing these stories for the first time; and 2) We repeat stories due to the ongoing relevance of the issue, and to reinforce your need to take the requested actions and to share this information with your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners. The story below ran recently, but is even more important now due to a widely read Houston Chronicle article on the issue.]

NRA-ILA has recently received several inquiries from NRA members in Border States who have been visited or called by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). In some cases, agents have asked to enter these people's homes, and requested serial numbers of all firearms the members possess.

Capitol Pending Federal Legislation Needs Your Support: There are a number of pro-gun bills pending in Congress that require your attention and action. Please review these legislative initiatives and be sure to contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121, and your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and urge them to cosponsor and support these measures. Additional contact information can be found using the "Write Your Representatives" feature at

Seeking Nominations For 2008 NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards: The "Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award" is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights. Similarly, the "NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award" is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond in defending and promoting our rights over the past year. Nominations for these honors for last year (2008) should be submitted to: NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards, c/o Andrew Dysart, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030. Nominations may also be faxed to Andrew at (703) 267-3918, or e-mailed to All nominations must be submitted by NRA members in good standing, and be accompanied by a one-page description of why the nominee is deserving. Winners will be selected by NRA-ILA staff and will be acknowledged at this Fall's NRA Board of Directors Meeting. The deadline for submissions is this Monday, July 6, 2009.

STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.")

ARIZONA: Three Important Pro-Gun Bills Head to the Governor's Desk! On Thursday, the Arizona Senate passed Senate Bill 1113 by a vote of 19-8. The bill now heads to the desk of Governor Jan Brewer (R) for her consideration. The Governor has ten days, not counting Sundays, to sign or veto the bill. SB1113 would allow concealed carry permit holders to take concealed handguns into restaurants that serve alcohol, provided they are not consuming. SB1113 joins two other bills, Senate Bill 1168 and Senate Bill 1243, that have already made their way to the Governor. SB1168 would permit a law-abiding individual to store their firearms in their locked motor vehicle while parked on a publicly accessible parking lot controlled by their employer or a business they frequent. SB1243 would clarify the statutory definition of defensive display of a firearm. Please contact the Governor TODAY and respectfully urge her to sign SB1113, SB1168, and SB1243 into law. Governor Brewer can be reached by phone at (602) 542-4331, toll-free at 1-(800) 253-0883, or click here to send email.

CALIFORNIA: Bill to Restrict Ammunition Sales Rescheduled for Next Week As we reported last week, Assembly Bill 962 was scheduled to be considered on Tuesday, June 30, by the Senate Public Safety Committee. The bill has been rescheduled and will now be considered on Tuesday, July 7. Please continue to contact the members of the Senate Public Safety Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose AB962. Contact information can be found here.

Bill to Outlaw Gun Shows Advancing The Assembly Public Safety Committee passed Senate Bill 585 earlier this week. SB585 now heads to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. This legislation would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition on the property or inside the buildings that comprise the Cow Palace. SB585 is a stepping-stone to banning gun shows on all publicly-owned property in California. It is imperative that you stand up and respectfully make your voices heard! Please contact the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee and urge them to oppose SB585. Contact information can be found here.

Fish and Wildlife Service Management Plan Includes Hunting in the Modoc National Wildlife Refuge The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a management plan for the 7000-acre Modoc National Wildlife Refuge, located southeast of Alturas, California. The draft plan evaluates four alternatives for managing the refuge over the next 15 years. Common to all the alternatives is the implementation of a hunting and fishing program. Comments on the plan are being accepted until Friday, July 30 and can be submitted by email to The plan can be viewed online at For additional information please call 530-233-3572. It is important for the Service to receive support for maintaining and enhancing hunting opportunities on national wildlife refuges, especially in light of continuing efforts by animal "rights" extremists to close refuges to hunting. Please take a few minutes to review the draft plan and submit comments.

NRA Comments to California Fish and Game Commission Regarding Extended Lead Ammo Ban As a result of action taken by the California legislature, a ban was imposed on the use of lead ammunition for hunting large game in areas inhabited by the California condor. Last week, the California Fish and Game Commission accepted public comment on a proposal to extend the ban to all hunting in condor habitat areas. Final action will occur at the Commission's August meeting. To read the comments that the NRA submitted in strong opposition to the latest effort to extend a lead ammunition ban statewide, please click here.

DELAWARE: Gun Records Protection Bill Heads to the Governor's Desk On Wednesday, June 24, the Delaware State House unanimously passed Senate Bill 139. SB 139 would provide legal purchasers of firearms a source of redress in the Delaware court system if their firearm purchase records are improperly handled or stored by the Delaware State Police. It would also allow a successful party seeking an injunction to recover his or her attorney's fees and court costs. The bill now moves to Governor's desk for his consideration. Please contact Governor Jack Markell (D) TODAY and urge him to support this crucial piece of legislation. The Governor can be reached by phone at (302) 744-4101 or (302) 577-3210.

ILLINOIS: Anti-Gun Groups Launch Campaign Against Important Gun Reform Anti-gun groups have mounted a campaign urging the Governor to veto HB182. This important pro-gun reform bill, would simply change the "Unlawful Use of Weapons (UUW)" law, adding "dwelling" and "dwelling of another" where a person has been invited with permission to possess a firearm, to the list of exemptions in which a law-abiding citizen is currently restricted from carrying a firearm. Please contact Governor Quinn TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign this critical reform. To contact the Governor, please call 312-814-2121 or click here to send email.

KANSAS: Kansas Attorney General Moves to Recognize Non-Resident Carry Permits On Monday, June 29, Kansas Attorney General Steve Six (D) concluded that the State of Kansas will now recognize non-resident Right-to-Carry permits issued by any of the 22 states already recognized. At NRA's urging, Six re-evaluated the language and determined that the statute indeed supports non-resident permit recognition. The training, safety and proficiency standards and process required by applicable states are equal to or greater than the standards imposed by Kansas, therefore, it is possible to extend recognition. States affected by this allowance include Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, South Carolina and Texas.

LOUISIANA: Bill Aiding Visually Impaired Hunters Heads to Governor's Desk! House Bill 39 has been sent to the desk of Governor Bobby Jindal (R) for his consideration. HB39 would authorize the use of laser sights by visually impaired hunters. Please contact the Governor TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign HB39 into law. Please click here to email Governor Jindal.

NEBRASKA: Proposal Requiring Fingerprinting for Firearm Sales Put on Hold for Three Weeks At last week's Omaha City Council hearing, the proposed ordinance to require fingerprinting for all gun sales to "secondhand stores" was tabled for three weeks to allow for further review. This ordinance, if passed, would require gun stores to fingerprint anyone who sells a firearm to the store. It is important that you use this time to contact the City Council and urge them to oppose this proposal. Please contact the members of the City Council and respectfully voice your opposition to this measure. Contact information can be found here.

NEVADA: Nevada Will No Longer Recognize Utah and Florida Right-to-Carry Permits Effective, July 1, Nevada will no longer recognize Right-to-Carry permits from Utah or Florida. The state has, however, added Ohio and West Virginia as recognized states. Each May, the Nevada Department of Public Safety (DPS) conducts an audit of states and their Right-to-Carry laws for the purpose of determining which state permits it will recognize. The Nevada DPS dropped Utah because it does not have a live fire requirement, which is a part of Nevada's training requirements. Florida will no longer be recognized because its permits are now valid for seven years instead of five. The Nevada DPS and the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs will be hosting their annual Right-to-Carry forum in Carson City in August with a teleconference feed to Las Vegas. We encourage all members to attend this informational meeting. Details will be forthcoming. Please continue checking your email and for updates.

NEW JERSEY: Legislature Passes Gun Rationing Bill On Friday, June 26, Governor Jon Corzine (D) and his anti-gun cohorts in the New Jersey State Senate passed S1774, a bill that will arbitrarily ration the sale of handguns to one per month. Earlier this year, S1774 was pulled from the Senate floor when the sponsor was unable to garner the necessary 21 votes for passage. This time, taking orders from Governor Corzine, State Senator Fred Madden (D-4) who previously voted "no" and committed to hold firm in that position, switched his vote at the last minute and voted "yes." The bill now moves to the Governor's desk for his consideration. Please contact Governor Corzine and respectfully urge him to veto this bill and remind him that you will remember his decision on Election Day. Contact information can be found here.

NEW YORK: New York State Senate May Consider Numerous Anti-Gun Bills! While last day of session was set for Monday, June 22, the Senate returned to Albany to act on unfinished business. Law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen should stay tuned, as numerous anti-gun measures were pending action when the Senate leadership battle commenced and they could be taken up at any time. To learn more about these bills, please click here.

Registration Scheme Postponed Once Again in Albany County On Monday, June 22, the Albany County Law Committee once again postponed Local Law "A" until next month's meeting on Monday, July 27. Local Law "A" would require that a valid firearms license be shown when purchasing ammunition in Albany County. The law would also mandate that retailers keep a record of all ammunition sales, including the type, caliber, and quantity of the ammunition, the make, model and serial number of the firearm it is for, as well as the purchaser's name and address. Please contact the members of the Law Committee IMMEDIATELY and voice your opposition to Local Law "A." Contact information for the members of the Law Committee can be found here.

NORTH CAROLINA: Anti-Hunting Bill Takes a Step Forward Senate Bill 460, legislation promoted by the radical anti-hunting Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), was passed by the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday by a controversial, "secret" vote. Before anyone had a chance to ask for a vote count, State Senator Clark Jenkins (D-3) ruled from the chair that the vote was successful, then quickly adjourned the meeting. SB 460 is part of an HSUS scheme to drive dog breeders out of business, and it could seriously impact kennel owners, those who hunt using dogs, as well as countless other dog lovers. To learn more about this bill and how to take action in opposition, please click here.

TENNESSEE: Localities Already Opting-Out of Park Carry Law! As anticipated, some Tennessee counties and municipalities have started to opt-out of the park carry law passed by the Tennessee General Assembly during the 2009 session. Please contact your local officials and respectfully ask them not to create a confusing patchwork of laws that will close off local parks to law-abiding permit holders, who simply wish to be able to protect themselves and their families. If you have any information on Tennessee counties and municipalities taking steps to opt-out of this important self-defense law, please contact the NRA-ILA's State and Local Affairs Division. Contact information can be found here.

UTAH: Utah Concealed Weapons Permits No Longer Recognized in Nevada Effective Wednesday, July 1, the State of Nevada will no longer recognize concealed weapon permits from Utah. Nevada, on the other hand, has added Ohio and West Virginia as recognized states. To learn more about this issue, please click here.

VIRGINIA: This November, Virginia's elections will be ground zero for the enemies of freedom to try and turn the tide against our gun rights in the Commonwealth, serving as a launching pad for their national gun ban crusade. Our opponents will be pulling out all the stops as a run-up to the 2010 elections. All eyes will be on us! To ensure we are prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities we will face this election season, NRA-ILA will be hosting a series of free volunteer kick-off meetings throughout the Commonwealth. At these meetings, we will lay out our plans for our grassroots election activities in your area and show you how you can help. You will also get to meet and begin working with your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative-an NRA-ILA staff person who will be living in your area, coordinating our volunteer activities right through Election Day, Nov. 3! The meetings are absolutely free and beverages and light snacks will be provided. These events will run only about 60-90 minutes. Please join ILA Grassroots Division Director Glen Caroline at the first meeting, scheduled for Thursday, July 16, 6:30 p.m., at the Double Tree Hotel, in Virginia Beach ( ). Parking is also free! Please make plans to attend! To register for this free event, please click here, or call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).

WISCONSIN: Youth Hunting Bill Heading to Governor's Desk for Consideration! On Thursday, June 18, the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 167 by a voice vote. SB167 now heads to the desk of Governor Jim Doyle (D) for his consideration. SB167 would establish a mentored hunting program in the Badger State. Please contact Governor Doyle at 608-266-1212 or click here to send email and urge him to sign this important piece of legislation. Also, please contact your State Legislators and thank them for passing SB167. You can find your legislators contact information by clicking here.

NRA will be closed Friday, July 3, in observation of Independence Day.
Please have a safe and happy holiday weekend!
I use and talk about, but don't sell Amsoil.
Who is shatto?
06 4.7 Tundra replaced a 98 Dakota 3.9.
623,000 miles on original engine and transmission, using Amsoil by-pass filters and lubrication.
+Everybody knows something you don't know.
+Artists prove truth can be in forms you don't understand.

Low-Risk Option Trader
Retired Pro-Hunter featured in; 'African Hunter', by James R. Mellon III. and listed in; Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game.
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