my Metro wrecked by red light runner
Hey folks, not such good news. Happened the day after Xmas.
This accident put both my parents in the hospital. My mother got it the worst with a broken ankle and cracked ribs. She will be released from rehab tomorrow.
I was driving. We were on a state highway, speed limit 60, coming up on a traffic light that had turned green about 10 seconds before, so we were catching up with all the traffic that was accelerating from the stop. All of them had made it through the intersection, and I was slowing down to match their speeds, when I saw this car on the cross street approach from the left, and noticed he would have to make a hard stop, and mentally shook my head about wasting gas. Never dreamed he wouldn't stop. Returned my attention to the cars in front of me, and then the next thing I knew, he'd run the light and the side of his car was in my face! T-boned him going about 45 mph. Totaled both cars. His was an Audi A4. No question about the light, was solid green my way the whole time, for many seconds and cars before the crash and for several seconds and cars after we'd come to a halt.
Several things to say here. If we'd been in a massive SUV, they would've been hurt much worse, maybe even killed. Perhaps they deserve it, as the whole thing was their fault, but I think not. Everyone makes mistakes. Some even make really stupid mistakes. Sometimes the punishment is death, and a Darwin Award is handed out. But if it doesn't have to be death, let's not have it be that. Of the 3 teens in the other car, only one was sent to emergency, with a deep cut. All those people who say bigger = safer, I say that's selfish safety. You have maybe made yourself a little bit safer at the expense of making everyone else a little less safe. And if everyone else goes big to equalize, then you're back where you started on safety, and behind on FE.
Yesterday, I finally bought another Metro. 2001 LSi, auto tranny (again, sigh, but must have the auto). Metros are hard to find. This was the only one I saw on within 200 miles. And, even after the dealer knocked off $1400 from their initial outrageous price, it still cost $1000 more than the 1999 LSi I bought just 10 months ago. What's going on, why the big jump in price? Even Kelly Blue Book says my '99 Metro is (was) worth a lot more now than what I paid 10 months ago. Maybe gas price spikes have that much of an effect on the prices of used fuel sippers.
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And lastly, I read a bit of the long thread on our health care system. It is an unbelievable mess. I refused treatment-- was only bruised and didn't want any preexisting conditions dogging my health records.
The problem with our health care is the very costly constant wrangle over what treatments are really necessary, who is going to pay, and who gets burned at the stake whenever there is a mistake. The incentives are all wrong, pushing people to try to cheat at every turn, and scaring them into extra CYA tests and work of very little value, in order to avoid blame.
The hospital is like a shady repair shop trying to tell you your car needs a complete overhaul when all you brought it in for was a filter change. They won't wait for the insurance company before trying to shake you down for a bit of money. They send out all these very august looking statements and bills to you, your insurance, Medicare, and anyone else they think might feel an obligation to pay. If you're ignorant enough to pay, you're screwed. The insurance company will then blow you off, and it'll be a real battle to get reimbursed. You will have also overpaid the hospital, because the rates they charge you are the inflated ones they cook up, and tell you you're supposed to pay 10% or some such of that. The insurance (if you have it) always goes over the charges and adjusts them downwards, and only then do you figure out how much you portion is. Hospitals cannot be trusted to properly bill people.
Then you get the thrilling fun of mud wrestling with insurance companies. After they've second guessed and denied the doctors, they turn around and deny you too. Nice.
To deal with everything, you may need an ambulance chaser. And what does the lawyer get? 1/3! One freaking third of all damages awarded! What a huge waste of money all because doctors and insurance can't agree on anything and have far too much incentive to gouge, withhold, and otherwise cheat.