Well ive mentioned in several threads about my 29 model AA truck figured i might as well make one lump post.
WEll last year i decided i wanted to get my great grandpas model AA truck running and driving again. (the AA version of the model A is the heavy duty version/commercial version of that era, in todays terms it would be like a dump truck or delivery truck, there was also a semi cab version too) I asked my grandpa about it and he said i could have it. Its been sitting in the woods for the last 50-60 years so as u can imagine weather has taken its toll on it.

so i cut the trees outa it, we hooked it up to a 3 pt hitch on my grandpas tractor and lifted the front end up (leaf spring collapsed so it was barely hanging on) and wheeled it up like a tow truck

all you heard when it was getting pulled out was 2 loud pops (rear brakes releasing from the drums) and then silence, it just eerily rolled along, no grinding, scraping, or other odd noises besides the diesel engine of the tractor
video here

so once it was up in the yard we started clearing off all the old junk that was thrown on the bed

while lifting up 3 pieces of barn roof i saw a what i thought was a all white kitten, that is until it turned its head and showed em its snout and teeth. dropped that pile faster than i could blink! (baby opossum, can be very mean)
so we got it into a box and walked back down to where the truck was picking up pieces along the way that had bounced off.
more pics of the truck
came up all the way from that tree line

soo where would one start on a project like this?
figured might as well start on the engine stuff, first thing i did was get the starter working (no pun intended, easy to get off and takes a while)
starter with its switch on top, battery cable connects to the switch, you push down on a short lever and it contacts the starter, no key starting!!)

pulling the engine was another issue, i originally just wanted the engine but the input shaft had got stuck on the clutch disk and all that big mess (mice had gotten in there and filled it up with nuts and grass) so out came the engine and tranny together

combination between engine and tranny was about 500 lbs

picture of the tranny, clutch, brake, accelerator pedal, shifter (3 speed with reverse) and emergency brake lever (short lever in front of the shifter)

once i got it home i made a stand outa 2X4's and make a cart (all the black junk on the ground around ti are the nuts grass and dirt from the bell housing)

kept working on the engine only to discover a mouse had made a nest in cyl #1 and ruined the piston head. Also discovered ti has been bored .125 over (just from wear, not for performance) and thats the max it could go. also the mice had corroded 2 of the valves in half.

so i found out theres a local model A shop in my town that sells good used parts and new repro parts. he had a good engine block that had good pistons, valves, etc for less than what it would cost to get all that done to my engine.
(after i had painted it its original color)

once i put new rings on the pistons and seated the valves it was time to reassemble. took some time to do the carb and distributor and waterpump but heres the finished product:

got it all hooked up and running Dec 9th 2007

then it was on to the transmission
when i opened up the top part(took off the shifter assembly) it had quite a bit of old 600W oil in there thus preserving the gears to what u see

and heres what it looks like finished up

once that was done i got the steering box and shaft off the truck and started fixing that up (picture of the box with steering shaft removed)

picture of the worm thats on the end of the shaft

and a pic of the finished upper part of the housing where the steering wheel would go.(left lever is throttle position(for starting and fast idle) and the other is spark advance, faster you go further you move the lever down) it has to be in the fully up (retarded) position to start otherwise it backfires and can rip your arm off if your crank starting or bend the starter shaft if electric.

right now I'm working on the front axle, brakes, and steering components,

heres what i saw when i got one of the drums off

just spider webs, dust, and some original gloss black paint! shoes are still good too!!!
shouldn't take too much to get that all squared away.
now here are just some random pics
fuel gauge, just a float with F 3/4 1/2 1/4 and 0 stamped into the guage

steering wheel

setup for the engine test stand


oil pump

u joint

picture of the worm gear drive rear end

interior pic
now heres a little piece of history, this is a WW2 ration card stating how many miles my great grandpa was allowed to drive it, how many gallons of fuel, and load capacity, and his purpose of driving it (agriculture use, used to take grain from the farm to the main silos)
heres a picture of a picture my mom drew back in the 60's of the truck, really neat cuz its like a time capsule and amazed at how much it didn't change really. Its one truck but 2 different views, one side one front.
so all in all, the main parts of the truck, all the heavy iron stuff survived really well, the sheet metal kinda went to hell and back but i think i can work with it to make something until i can find.afford all new/good used stuff.