As some of you know 2 months ago I received a ticket for not having my lights on. I did have my lights on and it pissed me off. Anyway.
So me and my cousin are smoking hooka and it start raining. So we went to another park. My cousin gets in his car, doesn't put the seat belt on and doesn't turn his lights on. This is like at 1am in the morning.
So he's holding charcoal in his left hand in a big plate and I'm holding a huge bong in my lap in the passenger seat. It was all hooka, so everything was legal.
Anyway he's driving like 20mph with his lights off and no seatbelt and there is a stop sign up ahead. We look and on the left side there is a cop on a motorcycle. He(cop) got to the stop sign first and was waiting us to stop so he can go through. My cousin blows through the stop sign

, and I'm like "WTF are you doing, there is a cop right there." Then my cousin says he might know where this cop lives and heads to the cops house which was a couple of blocks away.

We get to the house and we pull over across the street from it. The cop goes ahead half a block, turns around and drives up right by the car. Then the conversation gets really weird.
Cousin: I've seen you here, you live right there.
Cop: I've seen you before too.
Cop: Turn your lights on and stop at the stop sign
Cousin: You know this is hooka, it's not bad
Cop: Yeah I know what hooka is. Turn on your lights and stop at stop signs
Cousin: *Turns on lights*, *still doesn't have seat belt on*.
Cousin: Well have a good night
Cop: *starts up motorcycle and leaves*
I know my cousin is smooth with the ladies but I didn't know he was that smooth with cops. My cousin once got pulled over for going 95+, the cop called the helicopter on him because my cousin wasn't pulling over. When my cousin finally pulled over him and his friends were searched and on the hood of police cars with their hands behind their back. He was let go and only given a ticket.