I was at work one day and came home at about 4pm.
When I rolled up my driveway I saw that the front door of my house was open., which was rather odd.
I knew it was bad even before I got out the car :-)
So I walked up the path and looked inside ,,and EVERYTHING was gone. !
Yup ,in the middle of the day while I was at work I had moved out , but I didnt know about it.
Theives took everything , inlcuding clocks off thew wall , my shoes and even my electric razor.
The only thing left was an old sofa , one bed and my kitchen table and my dirty dishes from the morning.
But I thought , ?well ,ime glad that I locked my garrage.?
(after ending my race car prep business i kept most of my real expensive tools and gear in there)
So I wander out the back and lift up the rolling door , and , EMPTY..
At this point I just started to laugh ,,, and the best part was yet to come.
The insurance company wouldnt pay up because there was no sign of forced entry., so it was all a loss.
All of what we own is just temporary anyway , its all just stuff.
Stuff can be replaced ,,its not worth getting too hung up over these things.