88HF -
(I posted my suspicion post before reading this post)
Originally Posted by 88HF
cfg83 what do you think?
I keep flip-flopping. I have written alot of posts and then deleted them.
I have the visceral "he deserved it" feeling, but I don't think this serves "the greater good". For example, I have less of a problem with what the Pseudo Earth Firsters did to the Hummer sales lot in LA because it's an attack on the "pusher" so to speak (Here is some background information :
Simply by purchasing a Hummer, the fellow is on my "don't need to know" list, but I wouldn't vandalize his car. He would know where I stand by my GasSavers decal, so we wouldn't have much to talk about. If he was a polite driver, I would even let him merge (and maybe draft his monstrosity
Then again, if they had committed creative vandalism, say covering the Hummer in information showing how much damage the vehicle was causing to the environment, or pointing out how much the owner is compensating for low self esteem or other small protuberances, then I would probably be applauding their actions :
I wouldn't be surprised a bit if he had one of those latex scrotums dangling from the back bumper
theclencher, if you look at the car anatomically, those danglers are probably in correct proportion to the owner of the car.
Erdrick's post says something ugly about the whole thing. If we really have the true story, then the "liberal" white community isn't behaving much better than the mindset that lends itself to the Ku-Klux Clan. If they are truly an "enlightened" community, then they wouldn't have committed the vandalism. It's not racism, but it is hate. We all feel it, but do we act on it?
For me, at the end of the day, "you are what you do". When I put myself in the shoes of the liberal neighbors, the Hummer guy would disgust me, but I can't say he is doing something *directly* to me. It's that whole "don't become your enemy" argument. It's a cliche, but it holds true. I mean, using baseball bats on the Hummer is something I would expect from a ... Hummer owner.
PS - I don't have a problem with living with one's parents. I lived with my parents until I was 35 and was never itching to leave. Giving them my money instead of a blood-sucking LA landlord always made me feel good. Multi-generational households are normal in many non-Western countries, and save a lot on resources. Sheesh, I used to live 5 minutes from work back then!!!!