Money Back for Energy Saving Appliances!
Atlanta Gas Light [] and I think also it's affiliates are offering rebates on purchases of energy saving natural gas appliances [The Cure for the Common Cold]. Even with the rates going up, it is said that these will still save money, and the natural gas spike is probably just that, a spike.
Anyhow, visit the website to find if there is an affiliate near you. The rebates are good for purchases through December 31, 2005, so if you want to take advantage, you need to hurry.
Here are the rebates:
$100 - Users replacing gas with gas, 80% AFUE
$200 - Users replacing gas with gas, 90% AFUE
$1000 - Users replacing heat pump or total electric system with a natural gas system
$100 - Users replacing hot water heater with a natural gas hot water heater
$500 - Users replacing hot water heater with a Rinnai tankless hot water heater
$100 - Users installing whole-house natural gas fired generator
The rebate application can be found at: