Memorial Day
Memorial Day
by merrylaugh
of Patriot Guard Riders
It is another day for me. I am at work and wonder if I will get out on time.
And then remember those who went to work
And time stopped for them forever.
I will remember you today, soldier.
You went, you gave, you lived, you died so that
I could have yet another day of work to wonder if I will get out on time.
I speak my mind with ease and with no fear. I don't hide my thoughts
Because I am not afraid of who might hear.
You gave me that peace of mind.
Thank you, warrior, for freedom
Of speech, of assembly, of religion, of the press
You have made the Constitution a guardian of our lives in every way.
Your nation owes you a debt that can never be repayed. Yet we must
Honor your sacrifice and courage and will.
You live yet among us all
As we read and talk and move
About our daily lives with regular routine activities.
We owe you a debt that can never be repayed but we must remember.
Sleep in peace noble one, and may you and your band of brothers know
That each day we breathe that glorious air
Of liberty and peace and jobs and kids
And friends and holidays and games
We are breathing air filtered by blood you gave
And we thank you. We can do no less. But can we do more?
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