Re: Man Card
I don't have anything on that right column, haven't hiked an Appalachian trail or entered a lumberjack contest. As far as the scar goes.... Well, I have a big one diagonally across my nose from when my truck decided to break my nose instead of give up a part... but everything else I have definitely done. Last year, I didn't shave once from the beginning of September until New years, but I quit smoking years ago.... I only used a pipe for fun for a little while. Kittens, bucks, Knives, welding, engine, done. Steve McQueen? Well, I should hope I'm at least 1/10th as manly...
I'll see that list and add that I have been raising my three young boys all by myself for 2 years now, without help or support from anyone else. Does single dad make up for Rattlesnake and log cabin? I've actually never even seen a person try and steal a purse in real life...