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Old 07-20-2009, 09:13 PM   #1
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Long Day

Monday. July 20, 2009.

0430: Alarm rousted me. It is morning, already is pre-dawn light.
Drove about 70 miles to Modesto to pick up a box, going to Japan, from ConAgra, the food people.
0700: Got it and drove back to Burlingame, which is near SFO. Didn't run into any commute traffic until passing through Livermore on 580.
0940: Dropped the box at the shipping company that hired us.
Found a place and napped.
1055: Picked up medical supplies from the warehouse, then drove by my office to see if I had any mail and take a leak; then went to the next pick up.
1140: Picked up from Pathology at Seton Hospital.
1221: Delivered the hospital supplies to St. Mary's Hospital in San Francisco.
1234: Dropped the Seton stuff to St. Mary's Pathology lab.
Found a place and napped.
1441: Back at Seton Laboratory, I picked up stuff for Dr. Pappagianis at Tupper Hall.
1610: Delivered the Seton to UC Davis School of Medicine.
1700: Home and straight to bed for a two hour nap.

Twelve hour workday.
340 miles.

Beats the hell out of the recent days of one or two jobs and a whole lot of getting super gas mileage because I'm parked.

And now, I shall take my leave.
I use and talk about, but don't sell Amsoil.
Who is shatto?
06 4.7 Tundra replaced a 98 Dakota 3.9.
623,000 miles on original engine and transmission, using Amsoil by-pass filters and lubrication.
+Everybody knows something you don't know.
+Artists prove truth can be in forms you don't understand.

Low-Risk Option Trader
Retired Pro-Hunter featured in; 'African Hunter', by James R. Mellon III. and listed in; Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game.
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