My McMansion (1750 sq ft heated, cathedral ceilings, 3 story exterior and tiny yard, hate it) has not been the most comfy, and the utilities have been outrageous. So, I decided to have more insulation put in. The guy came out yesterday, measured at different parts of the roof and found that I had too little in the attic. My house is insulated with pink fiberglass blow-in in the ceiling, seems I had about 9 inches on average, making it about R18 i the roof, and should have had a minimum of at least 12 inches making about R27.
What was really surprising was the cost. 800 bucks to add about 9-10 inches of insulation. I priced out buying the insulation from Home Depot to do the job myself, it would have been about 1600 or so just to buy the material, then I'd have had to do the job myself. They just rolled in, shot the attic in less than an hour, and drove off with my 800 dollar check. With any luck this will knock a considerable amount off my heating and cooling bill. The way natural gas has been going I could very well see a payoff this winter on the insulation

Since this was surprisingly cheap to do considering what was done, might be worth looking into for some of the rest of you too. I'd been kinda leery about it because I was thinking 2-3 grand to have someone come in and do it.