I am actually in jury duty this week. it is my first time. I actually got chosen as a juror. they say it should only last about 2 days. that means I'll be done on wednesd.ay or so. it took an entire day almost to chose the jury. one thing that I found that almost automatically got people out of it was to say that it was against their religious or cultural beliefs to put someone in judgement. that got them dismissed almost immediately. not sure if you could claim this to begin with but it isn't a card I was willing to pull out
I kind of feel that we are obligated to do this. one other juror actually said "where would we be if we weren't here?" he meant as a country, not individually. some day, I may be in the defendant seat and I hope that people will look at my situation with a nonbiased and open mind and not thinking of what else they could be doing that day as my future may lie in their hands. I don't have anything to hide and though I don't think I would ever be in that situation but nobody knows the future. anyone can be accused.
here is my wonderful (and official) juror's badge. I could make this myself in about 5 minutes (and most of that is because I need to get it laminated).