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Old 01-05-2017, 04:18 AM   #31
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LMAO, maybe they should take the guns away from the Palace Guards. Replace them with machetes. While your at it take away, hammers, frying pans, anything with a blade, sticks, stones, anything with wheels.

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Old 01-05-2017, 05:20 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Draigflag View Post
I've not watched the news this year, mainstream media is mainly for the gullible masses of whom I'm not a part of. But from what I hear, nobody has a Brexit plan, and depending who you talk to, its either going to make or break Britain.

How's Trump? Has he draped those red banners over the whitehouse yet?
It's charming people outside the US take more interest in US politics than many US citizens.

According to Obama and Hillary, YOU are allowed to vote, too, Paul!

Just saw a YouTube video explaining why governments are encouraging wholesale emigration of Muslims into Europe. It's NOT humanitarian. It's financial.

The birthrate is not at replacement levels in developed Western and Asian countries (Japan and South Korea). The South Korean population graph curve means they could be "extinct" by 2050.

With a low birthrate there's not enough of a tax base paid by younger people to fund the retiree social benefits.

Government leaders likely communicated through back channel communications to hatch the "Muslim humanitarian" plan.

They knew that Muslim and European cultures would are ideology opposed. Islam is not JUST a religion. Islam brings Sharia law, too. There's no separation between church and state.

Given a choice between a world in financial ruin or a clash of cultures, western leaders chose the later, likely hoping the friction would eventually settle down. But it doesn't look like it.

It's one thing to practice your religion privately. It's another thing when your religion requires I must convert or your must kill me.

I'm not religious. I don't even blindly follow a political platform. For example, I supported Bernie Saunders over Hillary. But given a choice between caught lying 5x to congress, cheating Bernie Saunders in the primary, stealing $$$ from the Haitian children, starting more military conflicts than Bush (7 vs 5), political-insider Hillary OR a political outsider Trump, for me, the choice was so obvious.

Interestingly, another YouTube video reports that Japan is NOT allowing Muslim immigrants. The Japanese have a history of being a closed society, so this is no surprise.

Also, I read the primary reason for Japanese robotics is to have a robot population available to care for their elderly.

Like you, Paul, I don't trust Mainstream Media, which is has been exposed as a big-business propaganda mouthpiece for governments to control their citizens.

News is no longer journalism. It's entertainment, which brings more viewers, which translates into higher advertising rates. The more sensational the more viewers. It's a tailspin that journalism, if you can call it that anymore, will never recover.

Been going through a week of rain here in the San Francisco area. Days have started getting longer for the northern hemisphere since Dec. 21. How's the weather there, Paul?

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Old 01-05-2017, 05:29 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post

Laughing all the way to the bank. Enjoy your $6 a gallon fuel in a car that basically gets the same mileage as my 25 year old truck.
25y/o truck?! HA! I see your truck and raise that with my 28y/o Civic.
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Old 01-05-2017, 07:09 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post

Laughing all the way to the bank. Enjoy your $6 a gallon fuel in a car that basically gets the same mileage as my 25 year old truck.
What the #^%# why bring Canada into the cat fight ??? Just paid $1.51 a litre cdn for my last fill up so converting to US gallons it works out to be close to $6 or over in Imperial.
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Old 01-05-2017, 08:30 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post
Laughing all the way to the bank. Enjoy your $6 a gallon fuel in a car that basically gets the same mileage as my 25 year old truck.
I got rid of my 65 mpg car for this one because I can afford it, and I favoured performance over economy this time. It's actually exceptionally good on fuel for a car that does 0-60 in just over 5 seconds and 155 MPH, and no doubt it's 10 tens the car that horrible little plastic thing is that you drive. You can still get very nice fuel efficient cars without having to sacrifice comfort, luxury, build quality, performance, safety, dignity, style but maybe those things aren't important to you?

Anyway, I can see the transition from grumpy old man to full blown Internet troll is almost complete, happy days! Haha

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Old 01-05-2017, 09:27 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by ChewChewTrain View Post
They're renting Twizzies in San Francisco. I saw one. SF gets pretty cold, so the ride can be uncomfortable, as I recall the Twizzy doesn't have side windows.

Hmmm. I suppose they can't sell the Twizzy as-is, because it won't pass US crash testing. So they're selling JUST the platform and letting other builders deal with the gov't regulations.

Any mention about the cost, Paul?
Hey Doug. The Twizy has been here for a while, some have doors, others don't, but there are lots of aftermarket kits available, windows etc to add if you want. It's only designed for short journeys, comfier than a motorcycle, but not as a car. It's actually classed a quadricylce here, so no need for safety regs, similar to motorcycle. I wanted one for a while, but the battery rental wouldn't be worth the limited use it would get.

It's a good idea though, I like the idea of having the base, drivetrain etc and just building up from there, we'll no doubt see some creative ideas. No mention of cost yet.

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Old 01-05-2017, 10:01 AM   #37
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An issue for a Twizy platform in the US is that there isn't a quadricycle class here. So it needs to lose a wheel or meet the safe regs for a full size car.
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Old 01-05-2017, 11:48 AM   #38
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What class do ATV's fall under over there? It should be the same class technically, although probably safer due to the roll cage, seat belt, air bag etc.

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Old 01-05-2017, 01:40 PM   #39
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Geez, reading through the comments it looks like there are a lot of political comments by everybody. Nowadays it is hard to talk about politics, global warming or the over population problem without offending somebody.

Regarding EV cars. Car And Driver did an article on the battery price, and there is a certain dollar number that everybody is watching closely, as soon as batteries reach this cost per kwh, it will be more profitable for car makers to sell electrical cars than cars with engines. They are predicting this year to be 2020. The price of a battery will be also affected by the opening of the Giga Factory, I read that they started production this month.

The same thing happened to carburetors on cars versus fuel injection. There was a time when carburetors were just not efficient enough to meet emission regulations compared to fuel injection. The latest carburetors had a lot of electronic controls on them to make them meet emissions, it was more costly to make them than having fuel injection. I think the same thing will happen to ICE cars versus electric. Eventually regulations will be so strict that it will not make financial sense to produce ICE cars.

Paul, should I be happy that my 11 years old car is quicker and faster than your new car or sad that a 1.6L 4cylinder car has almost the same performance as a 5.5L V8 from 11 years ago? I'm planning on doing some modifications this summer to get to 400hp and 420lbft before they come and take my fun away.
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Old 01-05-2017, 02:31 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by luv2spd View Post
Geez, reading through the comments it looks like there are a lot of political comments by everybody. Nowadays it is hard to talk about politics, global warming or the over population problem without offending somebody.
I'm tryin' my best. But, I'm JUST one person. Gimme a chance. I can only offend so many people at one time.

Sometimes it turns into a "3 Stooges" pie fight in here.

Paul, in case you don't know, the "3 Stooges" were a famous American political alliance that formed the bedrock of the current Obama and Hillary democratic party policies. BTW, I voted TWICE for Obama, in case anyone is thinking about throwing pies in my direction. Paul, no need to research this fact. Take my word for it. You're welcome to chat that up that fact at your local pub. People will be impressed. I'm sure of that.

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