Originally Posted by Draigflag
I've not watched the news this year, mainstream media is mainly for the gullible masses of whom I'm not a part of. But from what I hear, nobody has a Brexit plan, and depending who you talk to, its either going to make or break Britain.
How's Trump? Has he draped those red banners over the whitehouse yet? 
It's charming people outside the US take more interest in US politics than many US citizens.
According to Obama and Hillary, YOU are allowed to vote, too, Paul!
Just saw a YouTube video explaining why governments are encouraging wholesale emigration of Muslims into Europe. It's NOT humanitarian. It's financial.
The birthrate is not at replacement levels in developed Western and Asian countries (Japan and South Korea). The South Korean population graph curve means they could be "extinct" by 2050.
With a low birthrate there's not enough of a tax base paid by younger people to fund the retiree social benefits.
Government leaders likely communicated through back channel communications to hatch the "Muslim humanitarian" plan.
They knew that Muslim and European cultures would are ideology opposed. Islam is not JUST a religion. Islam brings Sharia law, too. There's no separation between church and state.
Given a choice between a world in financial ruin or a clash of cultures, western leaders chose the later, likely hoping the friction would eventually settle down. But it doesn't look like it.
It's one thing to practice your religion privately. It's another thing when your religion requires I must convert or your must kill me.
I'm not religious. I don't even blindly follow a political platform. For example, I supported Bernie Saunders over Hillary. But given a choice between caught lying 5x to congress, cheating Bernie Saunders in the primary, stealing $$$ from the Haitian children, starting more military conflicts than Bush (7 vs 5), political-insider Hillary OR a political outsider Trump, for me, the choice was so obvious.
Interestingly, another YouTube video reports that Japan is NOT allowing Muslim immigrants. The Japanese have a history of being a closed society, so this is no surprise.
Also, I read the primary reason for Japanese robotics is to have a robot population available to care for their elderly.
Like you, Paul, I don't trust Mainstream Media, which is has been exposed as a big-business propaganda mouthpiece for governments to control their citizens.
News is no longer journalism. It's entertainment, which brings more viewers, which translates into higher advertising rates. The more sensational the more viewers. It's a tailspin that journalism, if you can call it that anymore, will never recover.
Been going through a week of rain here in the San Francisco area. Days have started getting longer for the northern hemisphere since Dec. 21. How's the weather there, Paul?