I'm a dad !!!!!
as many of you may know, I have been talking about becoming a dad pretty soon. well, on sunday morning my daughter was born at 5:13 am. I have had limited internet since then and have had limited sleep as well. she was a little small at 5 lbs. and 18 1/2 inches long. she went full term (well, one day early) she still came with a C-section.
just to let everyone know. my wife and I could not have children of our own. this one is adopted so my wife is fine. also, the birth mother is fine as well. she actually went home before the child because she was doing so well. we have a good relationship with the birth mother so everything is moving as smoothely as can be expected. we plan to go home from the hospital tomorrow morning. also, north carolina law states that the mother has 7 days to change her mind about giving up her rights and she couldn't give up her rights until the child was born. I told my wife that this will be a week of pins and needles. quite a bit of holding my breath. I will breathe much easier next monday when all is finalized and she is truely ours.
for those of you that pray, keep us in your prayers. for those of you that don't, keep us in your thoughts.
Be the change you wish to see in the world
--Mahatma Gandhi