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Old 03-14-2009, 02:11 PM   #1
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I'm a Conservative and I Approve Regulating

i'll be sending a tea bag to DC next month, and i'd like to send a letter w/ recommendations of how to help bring us out of the recession as well as promote economic health.

i've got some ideas and would like to get yours as well before it is finalized and perhaps sent as a widespread email. maybe someone like theholycow could help w/ the tech part of that.


i believe proof of income and percentages based on THAT should dictate any and all loans. no more than 25-35% on a mortgage, 10% on a car loan, etc. if the requirements cannot be met, NO LOAN! this will protect the consumer, the banks, and the fed govt!!! destimulation is a concern, but a necessary evil if and when weak businesses close.

how about business education a required course at every level of school? yes, elementary kids can learn basic financial and money handling skills. weighing out wants and needs should be a focus as well. SAVING is the key, not spending, especially that of credit.

welfare recipients should be required to attend the same type of class AND be given a plan to get off of govt assistance. w/ the exception of disabilities and such, they should have voting rights revoked(and other penalties) after a predetermined time has expired.

we are rewarding irresponsible behavior, especially that of consuming and living off the govt(waiting for bailout). even european nations do not like what we are doing(stimulus) and reported as believing it will increase inflation. THAT BTW is what seperates this recession from the recent two(lower inflation is helping greatly).

basic DIY stuff should be encouraged as well as non-profit help(churches and such). some churches have a "garage" day to help single moms w/ free labor on auto work for example.

Rush said it best(paraphrasing)...

conservatives love all people. but, sometimes you have to let them fail in order to learn. this is the land of opportunity not entitlements!
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