I re-wrote Ben Scale's song, "I'm Growing Marijuana in My Yard" - Page 2 - Fuelly Forums

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Old 07-29-2006, 04:28 PM   #1
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I re-wrote Ben Scale's song, "I'm Growing Marijuana in My Yard"

Figured you all might enjoy it.

No, I'm not really growing marijuana in my yard. No, I don't have a biodiesel car, although I am building an electric car and when I get my own place, I will be using wind and solar panels to provide electricity for it(and my dwelling) with sterling engines and diesel gensets as backup. Off grid is the goal.

Anyway, here's the video of Ben Scales singing the original song:


If you don't feel like downloading the song, you can read his lyrics here:


Here's my version:

I'm growin' marijuana in my yard,
I use it every day to run my car,
For one gallon of biodiesel,
Sixty cents is quite a steal,
Three bucks a gallon, or marijuana in your yard?

George Washington grew marijuana in his yard,
Thomas Jefferson smoked it rather hard,
Said for national prosperity,
Grow sweet hemp in our land of the free,
So our founding fathers grew marijuana in their yards.

I'm growin' marijuana in my yard,
In a sterling engine, it burns swell,
Livin' out in the hills,
I don't pay no electric bill,
Because I'm growin' marijuana in my yard.

The oil industry wanted to outlaw pot,
Wood paper too, would've had their profits drop a lot,
So DuPont and William Randolph Hearst,
Paid good cash to do their worst,
Made sure we can't grow marijuana in our yards.

I'm growin' marijuana in my yard,
Yes I'm growin' marijuana in my yard,
Helping protest this oil war,
I'm not using no gas anymore,
So I support the troops, growin' right there in my yard.

My plants are growing rather well,
So **** you Mr. Bush and your drug war,
Violating our constitution,
This problem has one solution,
Assert your rights and grow more marijuana in your yard!

I'm growin' marijuana in my yard,
Makes a body for my race car, it ain't hard,
One third the weight of steel,
No rust just seals the deal,
So I'm growin' marijuana in my yard.

Cops came to my door just yesterday,
Wouldn't leave, so they had a talk with Mr. AK,
They should have let me be, isn't this the land of the free?
It's my right to grow marijuana in my yard!
Yes our founding fathers grew marijuana in their yards!

If you don't defend your rights away they go,
Men with guns, tell you what seeds you can't sow,
When they won't leave your home they can go to hell,
So grab your gun and pump 'em up with shells,
Fertilizer for growin' marijuana in your yard!
To your death, marijuana growin' in your yard!
Fly that flag high with marijuana growin' in your yard!

Figured you all would get a laugh out of it.
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