Originally Posted by Draigflag
Be prepared for the usual stereotyping Doug "Chinese products are poorly made and unsafe"...
True. I'll be the first to agree with you.
But, Paul, There was a time when "Made in Japan" ALSO meant poorly made crap, too. Eventually the "Made in Japan" label turned around to become the most respected designers, engineers, and makers of electronics, cameras, and automobiles. Impressive for a people/society/civilization that was bombed nearly to the stoneage.
My point is that nothing remains static. People get older. Great Britain hasn't ruled the seas in centuries. And, Chinese manufacturers will progress.
For example, General Douglas MacArthur, upon the cease fire between the North and South Koreas said (paraphrasing) Koreans will NEVER amount to anything. Look at today's South Korea's industrial prowess and advanced society/culture. KPop anyone?
Yes. Nearly all Chinese products are crap. Huawei phones and Chuwi tablets are recent, notable exceptions. But to believe Chinese products will ALWAYS be crap is to bet that nothing changes. History says that is a bad bet.