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Old 09-26-2009, 06:52 AM   #11
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My wife and my girlfriend both like my Envy Green Release Series 3.0 Scion xB. The GF always wants me to drive her in the xB. The other day I took a female friend car shopping in it. This gorgeous private party seller commented how cute the xB is, too.

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Old 09-26-2009, 12:30 PM   #12
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Just paint "Franco's Ferrari Center, Customer Courtesy Car" on the side of it.

I remember The RoadWarrior..To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time..the world was powered by the black fuel & the desert sprouted great cities..Gone now, swept away..two mighty warrior tribes went to war & touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing..thundering machines sputtered & stopped..Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice
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Old 09-27-2009, 07:58 AM   #13
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I had a friend, over 6' tall who used to make-out in his Fiat 500. Go figure.

If you really want to impress chicks....get a drifter.
I use and talk about, but don't sell Amsoil.
Who is shatto?
06 4.7 Tundra replaced a 98 Dakota 3.9.
623,000 miles on original engine and transmission, using Amsoil by-pass filters and lubrication.
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Retired Pro-Hunter featured in; 'African Hunter', by James R. Mellon III. and listed in; Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game.
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Old 09-27-2009, 11:25 AM   #14
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I think that if I were a girl I'd run the other direction from this! OTOH, the 'wing w/o the pickup bed impresses the girls just fine. I can speak from experience on this...a 1981 Goldwing was the last new vehicle I purchased. My g/f at the time loved it!

The 'wing averaged in the low 40s mpg.

Makes me think of a story my wife tells about a suitor of hers who had, as he described it, "a car with a camper shell on it". She walked away quickly.

Originally Posted by theclencher View Post
I have found the answer:

"We are forces of chaos and anarchy. Everything they say we are we are, and we are very proud of ourselves!" -- Jefferson Airplane

Dick Naugle says: 1. Prepare food fresh. 2. Serve customers fast. 3. Keep place clean.

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Old 09-27-2009, 11:28 AM   #15
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And I thought I did OK in a Mazda RX-2 -- at 6'. I guess the key is to date short girls...

Originally Posted by shatto View Post
I had a friend, over 6' tall who used to make-out in his Fiat 500. Go figure.

If you really want to impress chicks....get a drifter.
"We are forces of chaos and anarchy. Everything they say we are we are, and we are very proud of ourselves!" -- Jefferson Airplane

Dick Naugle says: 1. Prepare food fresh. 2. Serve customers fast. 3. Keep place clean.

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Old 09-28-2009, 09:25 PM   #16
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Date Librarians

Hey I grew up in Los Angeles, worked in TV for 7 years, and worked in Hollywood for 4, then sold used cars for 4 years. Date brainy chicks, my other half has a masters in English, loves to travel, is studieing Mandarin, loves Star Trek, we geek so hard we hurt ourselves and she loves sports cars. My girl has a classic Vargas body, I love hips on a girl, shes a hoot, smokes and loves to have an occational scotch. At the time I meet her, I had the 86 MR2 and an 80 Turbo Volvo.

Take the step up, cruise libraries, take a community college course in economics or business. Truthfully look beyond the body, great minds are sexier and when it comes to that, great minds beat any magazine or video.

Now to the body section, in the 80's I dated rocker chicks, new wave chicks, punk chicks, and metal chicks, all very nice, some good relationships, but nothing permanent. Finally in 92, I meet this girl that was 6', blonde, stacked, I persued her with all the virgor of a planned assault on a foriegn country. We hooked up, we formed a relationship, I was dating a girl that was a walking Ferrari. She was the kind of girl that made you look good, your friends envied you, waiters would call you sir, every man in the room was now a challenge, you had to fight to keep her. Suddenly I started going to restaurants, valeting the car just to give her that little extra attention, my clothes got better and I was driving an 89 red Ford Temp.

In the end I began to learn things about her, ugly things, things that normal women dont do, she was shallow and started to want to change my life. I already had changed the way I dressed, she was high maintenance, I spent allot of money keeping her entertained and thats what she loved, she didnt love me, she loved the ammount of insanity men would go through to date her. As soon as the shinny penny began to fade, she was out of there and I saw the fading and I was out of there too, breaking up with her was a relief.

I didn't date for a while after that, there are times in your life that you realize all the built up fantasy is no where near the reality. That's when I started dating normal girls, fun girls, girls that have your same interest, if you get the chance, date comedians, date nurses, date cooks, date the unusual, but first and foremost let them know your interested.

You see until now, dating has nothing to do with cars, heres where the cars come in. Picking up a girl in a minivan might scare her into thinking you want to fill all those seats with children. Picking her up in a Jeep might give you the aire that your the out doorsy type. Do you want to hike, kayak, roller blade, bike all the time? Course it might mean you like to drink beer in the mountains and shoot your shot gun at the empties. My real estate agent uses a jeep to install the feeling of being a regular guy, if he were to show up in an Escalade he might scare people into thinking they're getting taken.

Camero, Mustang, Cuda, the hot rod guy, all American, eats at Hooters, loves to bar-b-que, people think you love football. Corvette, first off you have the money for a vette, you go to nice restaurants, play golf, have a professional job or have a secure city job and are unmarried. Import tuner, big rims, loud paint, loud exhaust, giant wing on the back, chances are your young and hip and in tune with all the latest trends. If the car has bad paint and poorly executed body work, forget it, chicks will laugh more than lust after you.

Refinement: The suit makes the man, Mercedes, Audi, Infinity, Lexus, or any brand new, or very well kept car.

The sports car guy, Miata, Boxster, 350Z, CLK 350, Mini, Corvette again, New Mustang.

The Classic sports car guy, pre 73 Mini, MGB, Midget, 65 Jaguar XKE, Porsche 911, Alfa Romeo, Corvair Spyder, Dino Ferrari 246, BMW M 2.3, hey its economical.

What Im getting at is what do you want to convey, sure I missed a number of cars, let's say you meet a girl and have a Honda HX, you tell her of its efficiency and reliability, its well maintained and clean. She looks at you as an itelligent guy, aware of the global environment, secure in your masculenity that you dont need a 500 horsepower supercharged look at me machine.

I drove my neighbors Hyudai Accent today to pick up parts for Focus today. The Accent an effcient little box, with good air, got me to the parts store, the Focus a GT automatic, looks great, my other half drives the Solstice.

Get something you like that describes you, when you get down to it, you is the first thing she sees, the car is the second. Its not how much money you make, its how you live your life.
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:03 PM   #17
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Two of the Ferrari bodied women I got serious with didn't even know what kind of car I owned. They were east coasters, and they drove me around whenever I got to their part of the country. One was the well-to-do ex-wife of a doctor. We met on a boat cruising the Galapagos Islands, and we dated in D.C., Bermuda, the Berkshires, and other exotic places.

The other was a tall 37-27-37 marathon runner, who turned all the guys' heads. She drove us everywhere, from D.C. to New Jersey. It's not the car that makes the relationship.
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Old 09-29-2009, 03:22 PM   #18
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Scott, your story is compelling and insightful...

Originally Posted by Scott View Post
let's say you meet a girl and have a Honda HX, you tell her of its efficiency and reliability, its well maintained and clean. She looks at you as an itelligent guy, aware of the global environment, secure in your masculenity that you dont need a 500 horsepower supercharged look at me machine.
...but I think that one is overdoing it. Attraction is not a process of logical deduction; it's a spur-of-the-moment gut feeling and it flavors whatever relationship is to come, for a long time. You show up in a well-maintained HX, at best you look merely responsible.
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:47 PM   #19
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Actually, you show up in an HX, and you look bare-bones econobox cheap .
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Old 09-30-2009, 02:27 PM   #20
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women may or may not judge us by what we drive, but i've never felt like i could be "profiled."

w/out a family to support(i would not even think of not having my ladies), i could drive almost anything i wanted, non-exotic w/ 8 cyl or less.

given any choice, i'd likely still drive a 4 door, perhaps an upscale sedan(non-luxury). i'm too cheap to sacrifice wants over needs, like retirement!

however, if i had a windfall of $$$, allowing for spoils, i'd keep my sports car(or whatever) at home on dates. scott does have credibility in his view, we gotta feel dames out!

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